SAGAR, Sagarmala and Seaports represent a maritime ‘Triple S’ Growth Triangle prospect for India.
SAGAR stands for ‘Security & Growth for All’- India‘s inclusive maritime growth and foreign policy vision.
While SAGAR is seeking a climate of cooperation and inclusive growth among littorals, Sagarmala is India’s latest and most ambitious maritime ‘Big Push‘ modernisation programme India has ever experienced. Seaports are gateways to the world. They facilitate wealth and influence transportation and international strategic linkage. Countries that have consolidated on their ‘Triple S’ corridor have become economically prosperous and politically influential. Indo–Pacific being the most contested global maritime strategic space today, several countries in the region including India are revisiting their ‘Triple S’ assets towards economic prospect and strategic vision. It is in this context and background, this lecture shall look at India‘s ‘Triple S’ journey and its prospects and limitations.