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Book Discussion on Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies: Maritime and Naval Operations

About the book

Commercial and military operations at sea and ashore across the globe are in the throes of technological and organisational transformation led by the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies. These are impacting every aspect of the maritime industry necessitating `up-skilling, reskilling and retooling`. Industry leaders recognize the importance of 4IR and are adopting innovative models for their operations.

Likewise, techno-naval transformation led by 4IR technology is underway and several navies are developing new strengths to fight future wars. Great powers are investing in 4IR technologies and pursuing competitive national strategies with the goal of technological dominance, thus maintaining a favourable balance of power at the regional and global levels.

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Author: Dr. Vijay Sakhuja
Dr Vijay Sakhuja is former Director, National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi. A former Indian Navy officer, Vijay Sakhuja received MPhil and PhD degrees from the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. He has published over 40 books, edited volumes and monographs, and specializes in issues of national security and public policy, particularly in the context of ocean affairs, geopolitics, Climate Change, Arctic, Blue Economy and 4th Industrial Revolution Technologies.

Moderator: Dr Monika KrishanDr Monika Krishan‘s background includes a Master’s in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. Her research interests include image processing, psychovisual perception of textures, perception of animacy, goal based inference, perception of uncertainty and invariance detection in visual and non-visual domains, and the impact of artificial intelligence devices on human cognition. She is a member of Ohio University’s Consortium for the Advancement of Cognitive Science and has been an active community volunteer in the field of education and mental health.  You can also watch the live streaming of the webinar on our Facebook Page and also follow the event on Twitter.Looking forward to having you at the discussion.

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