Winter School 2014 commenced with the Inaugural function on 10th January. Dr D. Dhanuraj, Chairman of CPPR welcomed the 12 participants from 11 countries to Kochi for attending the CPPR-Atlas Winter School on Public Policy Research Methods. The Keynote address was given by Mr C.J Mathew, IRS; Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Government of Kerala who stressed on the importance of public policy and the manner in which the governance system responded to the policy issues and challenges. Mr Mathew, a seasoned bureaucrat gave insights to the ways in which policies were framed and implemented in India.
The first week of Winter School 2014 had key speakers like Ms Anuradha Balram, Economic Advisor, State Planning Commission, Government of Kerala; Dr G. Ramesh, Institute of Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management; Mr Aneish Rajan IRS, Dr Sthanu Nair, IIM Calicut, Mr Amulya Champatiray, IFMR, Chennai, Mr Rahul V. Kumar, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum and Dr Martin Patrick, Director, Rural Academy for Management Studies, Kochi.