Interest in Gender Segregated Transport (GST) in ride-hailing is evident not just in survey results but also in the increased emergence of transportation start-ups that specialise in GST around the world. Yet, GST remains heavily debated both in terms of its benefits to women and its efficacy within broader transport systems. Proponents claim that it helps meet women’s urgent needs for safe transportation, one of the biggest barriers to women’s economic participation, and represents an important step forward for women whose movement is constrained. Critics claim that existing models have been met with varying degrees of commercial success and that the approach might reinforce social norms that restrict women’s freedom and mobility without increasing their safety.

This podcast looks into the following discussion points:

  • Market Demand for GST: Is there a market demand for GST globally? What does the data say? How can we make this an affordable choice for women?
  • Inclusive Transportation: How does GST ensure inclusive transportation? Is there any proven model? Are platform-led solutions sufficient? What else isneeded to make driving safer for women?
  • Delivery Models: There are different business models when it comes to GST. Could you discuss 2-3 models you feel can be successful in India?
  • Risk Aspect: What are the pros and cons of GST? Ride hailing cabs can be women driver and passenger of any gender OR women driver and women passengers. What is the model you propose?
  • Way Forward: GST represents a single piece of the transport ecosystem—other solutions for women are urgently required. What could these be?

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