Born of similar ancestry and sharing a homogeneous historical legacy in addition to cultural similarities, this article elucidates the ways in which India and Pakistan are more similar than they are different, a narrative that is often glossed over amidst the political turmoil that constantly envelopes the relationship between the two states.

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By Saira Banu,

An individual’s cultural identity is the amalgamation of the nurture and nature absorbed by him/her in the course of upbringing. States view and understand themselves on the basis of inter-subjectively formulated perceptions and identities. Despite being one nation prior to the partition and having a shared national and cultural identity, Pakistan and India continue to share a less than cordial relationship primarily due to the turbulent nature of the partition. While there are numerous dimensions to the India–Pakistan conflict and the resulting subcontinental security dynamics, this article will attempt to discuss the cultural homogeneity of the states.

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Saira Banu is a Research Intern at CPPR-Centre for Strategic Studies. She can be contacted at [email protected]. Views expressed by the author are personal and need not reflect or represent the views of Centre for Public Policy Research.

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