Kochi agglomeration is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in southern India.With most of its commercial establishments and government offices located in a 94.88 sq. km area1 , a robust public transport framework is the key for a sustainable development of Kochi. But estimates indicate that there is one car for every five individuals in the city compared to one for every eight at the state level.
Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR), Kochi in association with The Institute for Transportation and Development (ITDP) conducted a survey in Kochi to understand the gaps in public transport systems in Kochi. The survey was conducted as part of the Kochi Public Transport Day (KPTD) organised by CPPR from January onwards. The survey was conducted in March 2018. The survey highlighted the travel patterns, first and last mile connectivity, and main mode used by the residents of Kochi. The major findings of the survey are listed below:
- Women are more dependent on public transport than men, with around 60 per cent of womentaking buses for work, leisure and shopping
- 72 percent women surveyed consider availability of direct services as very important factor while choosing public transport
- As income increases, there exists a shift towards the use of private vehicles from public transport. Around 54.5 per cent belonging to the income group <20k used bus as their main mode of travel, whereas 66.6 per cent of those who use car as their main mode belong to the income category of >80k
- 46.1 per cent and 42 per cent of people belonging to income level <20k use walk as their first mile connectivity and last mile connectivity respectively. As income increases, there is a shift towards the use of private vehicles
- 25 per cent of the respondents say accessibility and frequency are the main improvements needed in public transport services