Its time for Celebrations; unique and important; as Centre for Public Policy Research has crossed a milestone:- 10 years!! In this joyous occasion we are here to celebrate it with you- our well wishers. We believe that our achievements and our credentials have been possible only with your support and encouragement. We have faced many challenges in the past and is still destined to take up higher challenges and responsibilities on our quest for being one of the best think tanks in the world. This is possible only in a co-operative atmosphere and requires constant support and encouragement from different people. We believe that each one of you shares our ideals, ideas and ideology. We therefore lay faith in you!
We, TEAM CPPR therefore wish you to join us in the momentous occasion and share the success and achievements of the institution. The date is 9th July at our own Office space in Kochi. We of course know that not everyone can personally make it; but distances are meaningless in this era of inter-connectivity. You can share your thoughts and wish us via mail or facebook/twitter/linkedin. We will be hosting an exclusive google hangout; where you can be a part!!
We INVITE you !!