
D Dhanuraj



Core Areas of Expertise:
Urbanisation, Urban Transport & Infrastructure, Education, Health, Livelihood, Law, International Relations and Election Analysis.

Dhanuraj is the Founder-Chairman of the Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR), a non-profit, independent public policy think-tank based in Kochi, Kerala, India.

With two decades of experience in this sector, his interest areas lie at the intersection of research and policy analysis. He is a policy researcher and commentator on urbanisation, urban mobility and infrastructure, education, retail, health, livelihood, law, public expenditure, defence and security, geo politics and election analysis, and has collaborated with state, national and international governments, organisations and institutions on several key research studies and policy recommendations.

Well known in the international, national and state public policy space, he is a noted speaker, panellist and thought leader at several policy debates, discussions, panels, conferences and roundtables. He also writes extensively for several leading media publications, and contributes his expertise and opinion as a policy expert on news channels.

Currently, he is also the President of the Association of Public Policy Education in India (APPE), and was the Secretary General of Liberal Youth South Asia (LYSA) from 2008- 09 and Founder President and Trustee of Liberal Youth Forum of India (LYF) from 2008 to 2011.



Welfare, Debt and Migration: Can Kerala’s Economy Keep Up?

  Kerala’s public finance management has been under stress for quite some time. In the recently published fiscal management index by Niti Ayog, Kerala is ranked 15 out of 18 states, which shows the depth of the challenges the State […]

Union Budget 2025 focuses on Urban Ecosystems, Boosting Economic Activities

The announcement of social security for gig workers is a welcome sign   For the last five years, the frenzy around the Budget speeches has been about capitalinvestment, specifically allocating more money for various infrastructuredevelopments to cater to the demand […]

Post-Trump: Why India-GCC Ties Are A Key Factor

Amid global trade uncertainties, India needs to up its game in the GCC zone—a well-thought-out FTA is the need of the hour, which will solidify the partnership, unlocking new opportunities for mutual economic growth!   With India’s markets in the […]

Delhi Elections | What Needs to be Done to Make Delhi a Liveable City?

Despite Delhi enjoying more power than what is offered with the 74th amendment to other urban local bodies, it has not truly grown as a liveable city.   The Delhi Assembly elections are around the corner, and for most observers […]

Make Shared Mobility part of Sustainability Discussions

The recent announcement of the PM E-drive (Electric Drive Revolution in Innovative Vehicle Enhancement) scheme marks a step towards sustainable mobility in the country. With an outlay of ₹10,900 crore for two years for the PM E-Drive scheme, the Centre intends […]

Wayanad: Decentralisation in Disaster Management

A drone view shows a landslide site after multiple landslides in the hills in Wayanad district, in the southern state of Kerala, India, July 31, 2024. REUTERS/Francis Mascarenhas (REUTERS) The news and the images from the landslides in Wayanad district […]

Kerala’s Patriarchal Dominance and Low Female Workforce Participation

Though Kerala has witnessed and experienced various social reform movements starting from the latter half of the 19th century, there have not been any decisive movements attacking patriarchy at a larger scale The discussion around the Hema committee report on […]

India needs to focus on its senior care economy

In the Viksit Bharat 2047 timeline, India would have transitioned from the demographic dividend phase to an ageing society. So, it is imperative to plan on building an ecosystem for senior care to address all the challenges of an ageing […]

All is not lost for the BJP: Lotus Bloom in Kerala

While the BJP suffered an unexpected setback in the Hindi heartland, notably in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, and Haryana, they succeeded in making an inroad into the south Indian state of Kerala, where it failed miserably in opening an account […]

India General Election 2024: Key Takeaways and Way Ahead

The 2024 Lok Sabha Election was nothing short of a Bollywood film, filled with emotional dramas, exchange of strong rhetoric on both sides, and blame-gaming, among others. Shortly before the commencement of the general election, the opposition joined hands to […]

Thiruvananthapuram needs a suburban rail network, not a metro service

The potential of building a suburban railway network surpasses that of metro systems, offering a broader opportunity for integration and connectivity. Recent media reports hint at the potential introduction of a metro rail or light metro rail system in Kerala’s capital, […]

Kerala General Elections 2024 – Low Turnout: Implications and Analysis

The highly anticipated Kerala General Elections of 2024 culminated in a surprising turn of events, with a notably low voter turnout across the state. Despite the fervent campaigning by the political parties, the actual polling figures fell short of expectations, […]

Make better public transport a poll promise

For many decades now, the bus transport sector in India has not received sufficient attention and support from the Union government As India gears up for another general election, political parties are actively engaged in releasing their manifestos. Despite being […]

Kerala must prioritise a gender policy audit

Overcoming gender stereotyping requires a concerted effort to shift societal perceptions, offering women the space to pursue personal and career aspirations freely Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s February 22 call for a gender audit has reignited the conversation on women’s labour participation, […]

പ്രതീക്ഷയ്‌ക്കൊത്ത് ഉയരാത്ത ബജറ്റ്

ഡി ധനുരാജ്, ചെയർമാൻ, സെന്റർ ഫോർ പബ്ലിക് പോളിസി റിസർച്ച് ഒരു പ്രതിസന്ധി ഒരു അവസരമാണ്, 2024 ലെ കേരള ബജറ്റിന്റെ പശ്ചാത്തലം അത്തരം അതിശയകരവും ഉറച്ചതുമായ പ്രഖ്യാപനങ്ങൾക്കായി ക്രമീകരിച്ചതാണ്. തീർച്ചയായും, നയ പരിഷ്കാരങ്ങൾ പ്രഖ്യാപിക്കാനുള്ള വേദിയല്ല ബജറ്റ്, എന്നാൽ നയ നിർദ്ദേശങ്ങൾ സൂചിപ്പിക്കാൻ ധനമന്ത്രിമാർ ഈ വേദി ഉപയോഗിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. എന്നാൽ ഇവിടെ, ധനമന്ത്രി അതിന്റെ […]

Kerala Budget: Not quite up to expectations

Among the announcement, Kerala’s plan to become a care hub for people from around the world for retirees could give a significant fillip to the economy. A crisis is an opportunity, and the context of Kerala’s budget for 2024 was […]

Union Budget 2024-25: Infrastructure Allocation and Economic Corridors in Focus

The focus of the budget has been on the continued thrust on visibility outcomes, which are mostly infrastructure in nature. The interim budget, as anticipated, did not have any major announcements or surprises, yet it effectively lays the groundwork for […]

Interim budget focuses on capex. Will that address lacklustre demand?

The budget is not populist, but aims at fiscal consolidation and strengthening of the economy with a lot more fiscal prudence — something that is not expected in a budget so close to the general elections. The interim budget on February […]

Transit-oriented development is the way forward for Bengaluru

In a railway project like the circular rail system, it’s crucial to ask what equity and stake local governments have in regional development, which integrates land seamlessly with infrastructure and market forces. Indian cities serve as growth engines, contributing significantly […]

പൊതു ഗതാഗതത്തിന് ചില പുതിയ റൂട്ടുകൾ

(പൊതുഗതാഗതം പോയ പോക്ക് എന്ന തലക്കെട്ടിൽ തിങ്കളാഴ്ച പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ച ലേഖനത്തിന്റെ അവസാന ഭാഗം)​ കേരളത്തിലെ പൊതുഗതാഗത വ്യവസായം ഇന്ത്യയിൽത്തന്നെ സമാനതകളില്ലാത്ത വിധം സ്വകാര്യ മേഖലയെക്കൂടി പങ്കാളിയാക്കിക്കൊണ്ടുള്ളതായിരുന്നു. ഈ രീതിയിലുള്ള പൊതുഗതാഗത സംവിധാനം കേരളത്തിന്റെ വികസന മാതൃകയിൽ വഹിച്ച പങ്ക് തള്ളിക്കളയാനാവുകയുമില്ല. വൈദ്യുതീകൃത ബസുകളും എൽ.എൻ.ജി എഥനോൾ ഹൈബ്രിഡ് ബസുകളും കൂടുതലായി നിരത്തിലിറക്കി ഓടിക്കാൻ സ്വകാര്യ സംരംഭകരെ […]

Chennai is a symbol and symptom of disasters our cities are facing

A city’s resilience is an important factor in ensuring its sustainability, the well-being of its citizens, and the security of investments made Locals retrieve their belongings at Kamatchi Amman Nagar area inundated with floodwater after heavy rainfall in the aftermath […]

പൊതു ഗതാഗതം പോയ പോക്ക്

സംസ്ഥാനത്തെ പൊതുഗതാഗത മേഖലയെന്നാൽ കെ.എസ്.ആർ.ടി.സിയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട വിഷയങ്ങൾ മാത്രമാണെന്ന് നമുക്കൊരു തെറ്റിദ്ധാരണയുണ്ട്. കേരളത്തിൽ സ്വകാര്യ വാഹനങ്ങളുടെ ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ സാന്ദ്രത ലോകത്തെ തന്നെ ഏറ്റവും ഉയർന്നതാണ്. ദേശീയപാത, സംസ്ഥാനപാത, മുനിസിപ്പൽ റോഡുകൾ എന്നിവയുടെ വികസനത്തിൽ മറ്റ് ഇന്ത്യൻ സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളുമായി താരതമ്യം ചെയ്താൽ ശരാശരിക്കു മീതേയാണ് കേരളത്തിലേത്. ആളോഹരി സ്വകാര്യ വാഹന ഉടമസ്ഥതയിലും അമേരിക്കയുടെയും യൂറോപ്യൻ രാജ്യങ്ങളുടെയും തോതിനൊപ്പം […]

Elections | How far is India from online ballots?

A decentralised blockchain technology with an immutable ledger could be explored to enhance the security and transparency of voting. Another set of five assembly elections are concluding this week. As expected, the elections often bring forth discussions around the voter’s […]

Can net neutrality survive market forces?

Enforcing and regulating net neutrality is not a straightforward task. Varying capacities to understand and adapt to technological changes make net neutrality a complex ecosystem to enforce. Recently, the Department of Telecoms tried to ease nerves by saying there was […]

Global Hunger Index a stark reminder to address hunger, poverty

The challenges in addressing hunger and poverty cannot be effectively met through general schemes devised solely at the central or state levels. India’s poor ranking in the recently published Global Hunger Index brought the focus back to discussions around poverty, […]

Robust Economic Growth Critical for India to Take Care of its Elderly

A development in India’s ‘care economy’ for the elderly will depend on the wealth growth of the younger generation in the next two decades. Key Points India is at the threshold of a demographic transition marked by a surging ageing […]

Support to E-buses will not be sufficient to address India’s public transport woes

India’s public transport system lacks efficiency, finance, and professionalism. Even the discourse around buying electric buses is not well-informed or debated. It demands structural changes in the way the business is conducted. Recently the Union government announced 10,000 electric buses […]

Evaluate Shakti scheme on its outcome, not intention

A clear objective needs to be set, and the scheme must be monitored to study whether it is achieving its intended impact. The Shakti scheme, implemented by the Siddaramaiah-led Karnataka government, has garnered attention due to its provision of free […]

Modi’s visit | BJP is customising itself for Kerala

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kerala is seen as a strategic attempt to expand the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s presence in the state, which has been historically a hard carapace to crack for the national party. Modi’s two-day visit […]

Kochi fire must be an eye-opener for cities, state governments

Waste management systems are often failing in India, the latest example being the land dump at Brahmapuram in Ernakulam District, Kerala. The land dump of Kochi Municipal Corporation (KMC) located at Brahampuram, about 20 km away from the city, caught […]

തെരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പിലേക്ക് ഉറ്റുനോക്കുന്ന ബജറ്റ്; പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കാനും ഏറെ

ക​ഴി​ഞ്ഞ വ​ർ​ഷ​ങ്ങ​ളി​ലേ​തു​പോ​ലെ​ത്ത​ന്നെ മൂ​ല​ധ​ന ചെ​ല​വി​ന് മു​ൻ​തൂ​ക്കം കൊ​ടു​ക്കു​ന്ന​താ​ണ് ഇ​ത്ത​വ​ണ​ത്തെ​യും കേ​ന്ദ്ര ബ​ജ​റ്റ്. അ​ടി​സ്ഥാ​ന മേ​ഖ​ല വി​ക​സ​ന​ത്തി​നു​​വേ​ണ്ടി ഇ​ത്ത​വ​ണ മാ​റ്റി​വെ​ച്ചി​രി​ക്കു​ന്ന​ത് ജി.​ഡി.​പി​യു​ടെ 3.3 ശ​ത​മാ​ന​മാ​ണ്. ഒ​മ്പ​ത് സം​സ്ഥാ​ന​ങ്ങ​ളി​ലെ തെ​ര​ഞ്ഞെ​ടു​പ്പ് ന​ട​ക്കാ​നി​രി​ക്കു​ന്ന​തും പൊ​തു തെ​ര​ഞ്ഞെ​ടു​പ്പി​ന് മു​ന്നോ​ടി​യാ​യു​ള്ള അ​വ​സാ​ന ബ​ജ​റ്റ് എ​ന്ന നി​ല​യി​ലും മാ​ത്ര​മാ​ണ് ഇ​ത്ത​വ​ണ​ത്തെ ബ​ജ​റ്റ് പ്രാ​ധാ​ന്യം അ​ർ​ഹി​ക്കു​ന്ന​ത്. അ​ടി​സ്ഥാ​ന മേ​ഖ​ല​യി​ലെ വി​ക​സ​നം ചൂ​ണ്ടി​ക്കാ​ട്ടു​ന്ന​ത് തെ​ര​ഞ്ഞെ​ടു​പ്പി​ൽ വി​ജ​യ ഫോ​ർ​മു​ല​യാ​കു​ന്നു​വെ​ന്ന​തി​നാ​ൽ […]

Budget 2023’s focus on urban India is promising

The announcements made in the Union Budget 2023-24 are mostly on the expected lines. The trend towards increasing capital expenditure with every budget aligns with the mission projects previously announced. An increase in the outlay for the railways and coastal […]

അടിസ്ഥാനസൗകര്യ വികസനത്തിലൂന്നിയും മധ്യവർഗ്ഗത്തെ സന്തോഷിപ്പിക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചും

പ്രതീക്ഷിച്ചതുപോലെ ഈ വർഷവും അടിസ്ഥാനസൗകര്യ വികസനത്തിലും മൂലധനച്ചെലവിലും ശ്രദ്ധ കേന്ദ്രീകരിച്ചുള്ള ഒരു ബജറ്റാണ് കേന്ദ്ര സർക്കാർ പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചിട്ടുള്ളത്. കഴിഞ്ഞ കുറേ വർഷങ്ങളായി മോദി സർക്കാരിന്റെ പ്രവണത ഇതാണ്, പ്രത്യേകിച്ചും റെയിൽവേ, റോഡുകൾ, സാമൂഹിക അടിസ്ഥാന സൗകര്യങ്ങൾ എന്നിവയുടെ കാര്യത്തിലാണ് കൂടുതൽ ശ്രദ്ധ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നത്. സമ്പദ്‌വ്യവസ്ഥയുടെ മിക്കവാറും എല്ലാ മേഖലകളെയും സ്പർശിക്കാൻ ബജറ്റ് ശ്രമിക്കുന്നുണ്ടെങ്കിലും റവന്യൂ പിരിവ്, […]

Kerala Budget Expectations: A ‘road’ map for development

The Union Budget presented on February 1 focused on capital expenditure for infrastructure development that mainly includes the railways, highways, and roads. The Union Budget presented on February 1 focused on capital expenditure for infrastructure development that mainly includes the […]

National Logistic Policy is a right step towards a well-integrated, efficient Freight System

India has a growing logistics sector representing 5% of India’s Gross Domestic Product and employing 2.2 crore people. India has the second largest road network in the world through which 68% of the freight movement happens along with a well-functioning […]

Floods will continue to inundate India’s unplanned city development

The recent floods in Bengaluru was a result of an unplanned infrastructure, developed by flouting the laws in city governance, and by disregarding the building capacity to tackle the challenges of urbanisation. In recent years, the paucity in programming and the lack […]

Do governance dashboards actually provide any insights?

Dashboards need to carefully select key indicators and ensure that the quality of the data used is high. Otherwise, they will remain as a visualisation exercise and not be able to provide insights expected from them The recent controversy about […]

Kerala Budget 2022: Missing Links in Building Knowledge-Economy

With the slew of initiatives under the Knowledge Economy Mission, the State through its recent Budget 2022-23, firmly established its aim in transitioning to a knowledge economy – an economy that creates, consumes and disseminates knowledge to enhance growth and […]

Kerala Budget 2022: State Big on Being a Provider than a Facilitator

Kerala has consistently topped the charts with a near hundred percent literacy rate among all Indian States. Even with this favourable statistic, the standards of teaching, quality of education, absence of academy-industry-linkages, etc. have been concerns to address in the […]

Bigger Concerns of Big Government

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered many economies towards ‘Big Government’, triggering a populist surge with large expenditure and borrowing, coupled with unprecedented power to meet contingencies. With Kerala, this has been a decadal trend regardless of the political parties coming […]

What should prevail instead of K-Rail?

The debate on the utility and feasibility of K-Rail continues in Kerala. The arguments range from the environmental to the geographical divide for those who do not favour the proposed project, whereas the supporters of the project pitch for the […]

Kerala Budget 2022: Why major reforms need not be expected

Rahul V Kumar & Dr D Dhanuraj Off budget borrowings through KIIFB, CAG reports and finally the acceptance of the state government indicates the dire financial situation of the Government of Kerala. The Government is desperate to generate revenue to […]

കേരള ബജറ്റ് 2022: വലിയ പരിഷ്കാ രങ്ങള്‍ എന്തുകൊണ്ട് പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കേ ണ്ടതില്ല

കിഫ്ബി, മറ്റു വരുമാന സ്രോതസ്സുകളിലൂടെയുള്ള വായ്പകളും സിഎജി റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ടുകളുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിലും ഒടുവില്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ സംസ്ഥാന സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ തന്നെ സമ്മതിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തതിലൂടെ കേരള സര്‍ക്കാരിന്റെ കടുത്ത സാമ്പത്തിക സ്ഥിതി വ്യക്തമാണ്‌. ഒരു സാമ്പത്തിക ദുരന്തം ഒഴിവാക്കാന്‍ വേണ്ടി വരുമാനം ഉണ്ടാക്കാനുള്ള തീവ്രശ്രമത്തിലാണ്‌ സര്‍ക്കാര്‍. വരുമാനവും സാമ്പത്തിക പോരായ്മയും അതിരൂക്ഷമാണ്‌. ഈ പ്രതിസന്ധി തരണം ചെയ്യാന്‍ വരാനിരിക്കുന്ന സംസ്ഥാന […]

Challenges to implement an urban job guarantee scheme

With the upcoming Union Budget, once again there have been discussions over the rural employment guarantee Act be extended to urban areas after a parliamentary standing committee put forth its recommendation to the Union government. The main arguments favouring such a scheme are […]

K-Rail goes against Kerala’s much-vaunted decentralisation model

The hotly-debated topic in recent times in Kerala is the K-Rail project. K-Rail is a government-proposed speed-rail corridor connecting Kasaragod in the north and Thiruvananthapuram in the south. K-Rail promises a 200 km per hour speed, and is expected to […]

How remittances have shaped the socio-economic landscape of Kerala

Dwindling remittances will have dire consequences for the Kerala economy The historic discovery of oil in West Asia and the subsequent commercialisation of it in the 1960s stimulated great demand for skilled and unskilled labour. Keralites, confronted with a stagnant […]

Kitex controversy is a sign Kerala is yet to shake off its anti-industry image

The apathy towards business and investments in Kerala is once again in the limelight with the recent remarks by Sabu M Jacob, Chairman of Kitex Garments. Kitex is a leading garments manufacturer with a significant export market share in the […]

Himalayan tasks in a post-pandemic Kerala

When we talk about the kind of challenges that Kerala is going to face post -pandemic, it can be differentiated into health, economic, and social. Vaccinating the entire population of Kerala is bound to be a major hurdle. Now, Kerala […]

Pinarayi 2.0 | Kerala Cabinet formation reflects CPI(M) decision-making

There is a political message Pinarayi Vijayan gives to the public and his opponents by choosing a team of freshers for the Cabinet in the second term. He is consolidating his position in the party and is becoming the ultimate […]

The Other Pinarayi

For decades, Kerala has been known for the adverse political climate it creates for development projects and especially ent­repreneurial initiatives. Pinarayi kept up the traditional focus on education and basic infrastructure, but also tried to come out of the traditional […]

Challenges ahead for Pinarayi Vijayan in his second term

During his first term, Pinarayi Vijayan converted every crisis into an opportunity. Now, he has the unique chance to open a new path to governance and economic reforms Most of the pollsters who observed Kerala assessed that the campaign trail […]

What is in the voter’s mind?!

Dr D Dhanuraj with Ananthitha Anandan Today could be marked in the history of democratic Kerala as a decisive turning point.  As the 2.7 Crore voters of our State are expected to cast their vote today, what will be the […]

The curious case on inner party democracy in Kerala

The whip culture in the political system should be done away with, and instead, the more significant ideological debates featuring in the socio-cultural context should be encouraged to maintain the sanctity and survival of the political space. D DHANURAJ  and […]

Success of Rahul Gandhi’s campaign will decide Congress’ future in Kerala

Rahul Gandhi’s extensive focus on Kerala and Tamil Nadu is a good opportunity for him to resurrect his political career by leading from the front — this will not only help the Congress in the south, but will also give […]

Private sector can give government’s COVID-19 vaccination drive a shot in the arm

While vaccination is a public good and bestows a greater responsibility on the government, the greater the availability of the vaccine in a deregulated space, the closer we get to the intended outcomes Dr D Dhanuraj and Sam Thomas After […]

The Confused Finance Minister and His Miraculous Budget: Why Should It Bother You and Me?

By D Dhanuraj with Ananthitha Anandan You cannot expect anything short of a ‘magical populist budget’ from a two-term ‘Finance Minister’, especially when presenting his last budget supposedly. Therefore, it was not entirely surprising when Dr Thomas Issac presented Kerala […]

Transfer powers of DMs to mayors to solve urban issues

One of the conditions laid down by the Centre for the state governments to increase their borrowing limit is to ‘bring in reforms to streamline the revenue of urban local bodies (ULBs)’. Though this has been in the discussion since […]

AAP’s victory makes a case for a strong city-state in India

The resounding victory of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the Delhi polls has engendered various debates among political circles as well as the citizenry. While the opposition parties have to learn a lot from the way the Arvind Kejriwal-led […]

Is the bullet train a priority?

The bullet trains and the high-speed trains are in the news for the last few weeks. After taking charge as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray announced that the bullet train project worth Rs 1 lakh-crore investment, connecting Ahmedabad […]

RERA and IBC: The real solutions for real estate

Recent announcements by the FM involving financial stimulus for the revival of the real estate sector are nothing but a reaffirmation of the importance of the sector. Estimates by the NITI Aayog show that the sector has a size of […]

India is staring at a water crisis and no politician is talking about it

The summer of 2019 is not only heated up by the intense general election campaign but also by the above average temperature forecasted in many parts of India. Even though the agrarian distress has been a major campaign issue, the […]

Who is going to bell the cat?

The black money trail in election campaigns has been a widely discussed topic in India over the decades. The Election Commission of India (ECI) has shared its concerns about the role played by big corporate houses, anonymous donors and foreign […]

Inland water transportation is the next big thing in green cargo

The development of inland waterways will help in the protection and conservation of waterways and canals. It will complement the SAGARMALA project, which envisions to build 10 economic zones spanning 300-500 square kilometres. The flagging off of the PepsiCo’s 16 […]

How Floods Uncovered the Truly Liberal Spirit of Keralites

Kerala has witnessed a disaster of an unprecedented nature in a century. The timely action and response in the aftermath of the floods has helped to arrest the death toll. The state government machinery geared up their coordination activities to […]

The Right to Walk

With the exponential growth in the number of personal vehicles in Kerala in the last two decades, the pedestrian sidewalks started disappearing from our cities at an alarming rate. Most of the discussions on urban mobility have focussed on motorised […]

KSRTC Doldrums: Is there a Way Out?

The debt-ridden Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) repeatedly finding a space in the regional media is no longer a surprise for the people of Kerala. The day-to-day functioning of this public sector undertaking is limping due to inefficiency, inferior […]

Segregating Politics from Education sector: The need of the hour

Most of the times educational institutions in India are in news not for their academic achievements but for the controversies surrounding them.  In the recent times, three news stories related to the academic institutions that received more attention from the […]

Untangling the ‘Autonomy of Higher Education Institutions’

The debate on the quality of the educational institutions and the courses they offer has been and continue to be in the limelight for many years.  The demographic dividend is still an elusive panacea given the academic excellence existing in […]

An Account of the Woes of the Indian Educator! (PART 2)

This is a continuation of the previous article which appeared in Pallikkuttam and authored by Dr. D Dhanuraj** In the previous edition of Pallikkutam, I wrote on the Government run arts & science colleges in Kerala and the various guidelines […]

Health Insurance and Telecom Markets – A Comparative Study

In this article Dr. D Dhanuraj, Chairman of CPPR, tries to find out the lessons the Health Insurance Market can learn from the already successful Telecom Market by doing a comparative market approach.  In India as on today, private healthcare […]

An Account of the Woes of the Indian Educator! (PART 1)

Dr. D Dhanuraj, Chairman of CPPR looks into the various woes of the Indian Educator. This article* is the first in this series and more on the theme will follow in the coming months. The issues and challenges faced by the […]

The 10th ASER: An Eye-Opener Or Just Another Annual Report?

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) for 2014 was released by the ASER Centre mid-January. This is their tenth report which in their own words “a way summary of what we have observed over the tenures of UPA I and […]

The Never-Ending Process of Trial and Error in the Indian Education Sector

It will not be an exaggeration when I say, ‘the Union HRD Minister and her ministry are always caught in controversy’. The decision to end German Language learning in Kendriya Vidyalayas and impose Sanskrit in its position was imperious to […]

Symbiosis of Universities and the Society: An American Experience

 I was on an official trip to the United States as part of the ‘International Visitor Leadership Programme’ (IVLP), last month. This gave me an opportunity to interact with the leading ‘Think tanks’ and ‘Universities and Academia’ in the US […]

How a National Authority will help the cause of Energy Security in India

Ensuring Energy Security of the nation signifies the non-traditional preparedness of the establishment to tackle the challenges in the 21st century. Economic dexterity results in varied demands of the energy supplicants and even the slight derailment from supply could take […]

Higher Secondary/Higher Education: Is the government too confused?

** Allotment of new batches to the high schools to upgrade them to higher secondary schools is the latest controversy surrounding the education sector in Kerala. Since its beginning since early 90s, higher secondary sector courted controversy in regular intervals. […]

Why market competition hasn’t delivered better quality school education?

  The fact that achievements of Kerala state in education and health sectors are comparable with the developed countries is widely known. The recognition for the value and the role of education in social development came as early as in […]

Skill vouchers: The next big thing for employability

By D. Dhanuraj Centre for Public Policy Research The nation is going to polling booths to elect its 16th LokSabha and the debate is entrenched on the type and nature of the policies that would accentuate the economic growth that […]

MOOC- The Game Changer?

It is told that there are six types of You Tube interfaces which adjust automatically according to the gadgets and connectivity speed. With such mind boggling provisions in the internet) and the availability of cheaper smart phones and tablets, the […]

The Auto Rickshaw strike in Kochi – the policy imbroglio

The recent strike by the Auto Rickshaw drivers in Kochi City exposes the fundamental flaws in the Governance structure and policy note. Kochi is one of the emerging metro cities in South India having a total population of 1.8 million […]

A welfare statement called Kerala Budget 2013

By D.Dhanuraj These days, budget discussions are one of the media favourites, especially for the visual media because of its ability for creating a buzz easily across the various segments of the society. Kerala Budget 2013 is the latest one […]

Kerala Budget 2013 – An Open Letter to FM

Dear Minister, History reckons with you for the most number of Budget presented in the world. You are an experienced craftsman presenting the budget in a mercurial way. Your experience in politics and administration are un parallel and presents a […]

Random Thoughts

The recent hullabaloo in the coalition exercise of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) has awakened the interest of political scientists to discuss Dharma in coalition politics, Neethi in policy making of a coalition arrangement and Karma of the coalition leader. Though […]

Unlocking the Potential of Municipal Financing in India

With a substantial section of the population moving to cities in quest of better opportunities and higher living standards, urbanisation is drastically changing the landscape of India. Local governments in India face both opportunities and challenges as a result of […]

Kerala Tourism – The Role of the Government and Economic Impacts

Executive Summary Kerala tourism has won several national and international recognitions, mainly due to the region’s picturesque beauty and state’s responsible tourism projects. Based on the tourism policy documents of the central and state governments, the Kerala tourism model is […]

Defending Decentralisation in Kerala: Probing the Autonomy of Kerala’s Urban Local Bodies

Kerala is one of the few states in the country considered to have taken serious efforts in transferring powers to Local Self Government (LSG) institutions for strengthening the decentralisation process. The high rate of urbanisation in the state calls for […]

Evaluation of the Effects of Tariff Hikes on Indian Aluminium Industry

Study done by Lekshmi R Nair and D Dhanuraj of CPPR, to evaluate the effect of tariff hikes on Indian aluminium industry. Highlights of the study are: High tariffs on imported aluminium products, raw materials and aluminium scrap constrain consumption […]

A Stagnant Agriculture in Kerala: The Role of the State

Given the significant decline in agricultural production in Kerala in the last few decades, this paper elucidates how government policies and protective practices have created distortions in the agricultural market, hampering the growth of agriculture in the state. The distortions […]

Common Man’s Clothing – Effects of Taxes and Tariffs

The discriminatory tax policies and the higher tariffs imposed on Man-Made Fibres (MMF) in India compared to cotton, have resulted in the availability of MMF to the manufacturers at non competitive prices, compared to the competing countries. This has also […]

Evaluation of Government Interventions in Khadi Sector

Khadi sector is an over-regulated one in India, where the entire production process, sales, distribution, and marketing is fully regulated by the government through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) . The paper examines the growth of Khadi market in […]

For a Free and Fair Sporting Sector in India

By, Dhanuraj and Rahul V. Kumar This study seeks to find an answer to this question: which one can be a successful model in sports in India: Planned Approach or a Spontaneous Order?’ The study explains that planned sporting activities […]

Understanding the Status of Higher Education in India

By, D. Dhanuraj and Rahul V. Kumar ABSTRACT The paper examines the higher education scenario in India and attempts to point out why very few serious investors invest in higher educational sector. Several factors are responsible for this. Primary among these […]

A Critical Assessment of Forest Legislations in India

By, Dr. D Dhanuraj and Rahul V Kumar In India, there is a huge demand for timber that is met largely through imports. State-led forest policies have been lax in meeting this requirement. This policy paper analyses the existing forestry […]

A Study on Liberalizing Liquor Trade in India

Authors: Dr. D Dhanuraj and Mr. Rahul V Kumar * India is one of the world’s most restrictive places for trade and doing business. In 2014, it is ranked 110 out of 152 countries, in terms of economic freedom, by […]

Study on Autorickshaws and Paratransit Systems in Chennai

The Study on Autorikshaw and Para-transit system in Chennai was conducted by M/s Civitas Urban Solutions for City Connect Foundation, Chennai. CPPR provided research input for the study.

Mobility Hub Feasibility study report

Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR) developed the feasibility report of this Mobility hub at the behest of the Confederation of Indian industry (CII) and Ernakulam District Administration. CPPR provided inputs that were futuristic and technology driven, ensuring the capacity […]

Pedestrian Audit Report, September 2008

A Pedestrian Audit is a species of the genus known as a Road Safety Audit; an initiative usually undertaken by governmental authorities to estimate the safety needs of the roads. It’s more than just a plain analysis. It seeks to […]

Uneconomic schools of Kerala

By D. Dhanuraj This is a study which brings out the condition of governement and aided schools in Kerala and explores the reasons behind the increase in the number of ‘uneconomic schools’ as defined by the Government. To View the […]

Traditional Fishermen Folk In Kerala & Their Livelihood Issues

By D. Dhanuraj The God’s own country is known for her ravishing beauty and hospitality nature. The potential in the tourism segment has been emphasised over the years. Lakes, rivers, ponds and lagoons supplement this argument along with the food […]

Entry Level Barriers to start a Private School in Tamil Nadu, June 2007

D. Dhanuraj This study is on the The Tamil Nadu Recognized Private school regulations Act, 1973 which regulates establishment, management and control of private schools. To View the File >> Click Here 

Drinking Water Utilisation- Olavanna shows the way, October 2005

By D. Dhanuraj This study follows the successful efforts of the villagers of Olavanna Gram Panchayat in Kozhikode district, Kerala in effective drinking water utilisation and tackling water scarcity. As a result, 60 small, water supply schemes are operational in […]

Vana Samrakshna Samithi- a study on Thenmala and Palaruvi, January 2006

By D. Dhanuraj This study examines the concept of Vana Samrakshana Samiti (VSS) and its implementation through two case studies from Kerala. It explores the opportunities avilable to make VSS more potent and effective in the conservation of natural resource. […]

Conservation of Fishery Resources in Pulicat Lake, February 2006

By D. Dhanuraj This is an interesting study on community management of fishery resources in Pulicat Lake in India. Pulicat Lake is the second largest backwater lake in India.It lies almost parallel to the Bay of Bengal and covers an […]

Conservation of Natural Springs in Western Ghats, March 2006

By D. Dhanuraj This study is on the initiative of the Pazhakulam Service Society (PASSS) for the conservation of natural springs in order to use it as a source of safe drinking water. PASS situated at Pazhakulam near to Adoor, […]

Story of 1957 Education Bill in Kerala, May 2006

By D. Dhanuraj This paper traces the history and the scenario in which the Education Bill of 1957 was passed in Kerala and how the act was one of the reasons which led the to fall of the first democraticaly […]

Coconut Development Board

By D. Dhanuraj Coconut is grown in 92 countries in the world. Global production of coconut is 51 billion nuts from an area of 12 million hectares. The four major players; India, Indonesia, Philippines and Sri Lanka contribute 78% of […]

D Dhanuraj of CPPR Comments in TNIE on the positive Union Budget 2025 proposals for India’s Shipbuilding Industry

The latest Union Budget 2025 has set its sights on enhancing the nation’s shipbuilding capacity. Experts predict that the budget’s incentives and focus on shipbuilding will have a profound impact on Kerala’s maritime landscape, driving growth and innovation in the […]

D Dhanuraj of CPPR Comments in TNIE on the proposed ‘Silent Zone’ plan in Kochi

The idea of a ‘silent zone’ in Kochi was recently mooted by the Kochi Mayor M Anilkumar. A silent zone is an area undisturbed by unwanted or harmful outdoor sounds created by human activities. The mayor proposed to designate the […]

India’s electric rickshaws are leaving EVs in the dust

Little-known e-rickshaw companies like YC Electric are at the forefront of the country’s EV revolution. In the news, CPPR Chairman D Dhanuraj and Senior Associate Lizbeth Godwin express their opinions. At a small factory just north of Delhi, a welder […]

Modi’s visit | BJP is customising itself for Kerala

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kerala is seen as a strategic attempt to expand the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s presence in the state, which has been historically a hard carapace to crack for the national party. Modi’s two-day visit […]

Do governance dashboards actually provide any insights?

Dashboards need to carefully select key indicators and ensure that the quality of the data used is high. Otherwise, they will remain as a visualisation exercise and not be able to provide insights expected from them The recent controversy about […]

കേരള ബജറ്റ് 2022: വലിയ പരിഷ്കാ രങ്ങള്‍ എന്തുകൊണ്ട് പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കേ ണ്ടതില്ല

കിഫ്ബി, മറ്റു വരുമാന സ്രോതസ്സുകളിലൂടെയുള്ള വായ്പകളും സിഎജി റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ടുകളുടെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിലും ഒടുവില്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ സംസ്ഥാന സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ തന്നെ സമ്മതിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തതിലൂടെ കേരള സര്‍ക്കാരിന്റെ കടുത്ത സാമ്പത്തിക സ്ഥിതി വ്യക്തമാണ്‌. ഒരു സാമ്പത്തിക ദുരന്തം ഒഴിവാക്കാന്‍ വേണ്ടി വരുമാനം ഉണ്ടാക്കാനുള്ള തീവ്രശ്രമത്തിലാണ്‌ സര്‍ക്കാര്‍. വരുമാനവും സാമ്പത്തിക പോരായ്മയും അതിരൂക്ഷമാണ്‌. ഈ പ്രതിസന്ധി തരണം ചെയ്യാന്‍ വരാനിരിക്കുന്ന സംസ്ഥാന […]

Challenges to implement an urban job guarantee scheme

With the upcoming Union Budget, once again there have been discussions over the rural employment guarantee Act be extended to urban areas after a parliamentary standing committee put forth its recommendation to the Union government. The main arguments favouring such a scheme are […]

In a week, nearly three-fold rise in Covid clusters in Ernakulam

The total number of Covid-19 clusters in Ernakulam increased to over 60 on Sunday. This is a three-fold increase in a week.There were only around 22 infection clusters in the district on January 16.All the infection clusters have sprung up […]

Call to extend Kochi Metro’s feeder service

It was in February 2020 that the Kochi Metro Rail Ltd (KMRL) had started a feeder bus service named ‘Pavan Doot’ between Aluva and Cochin International Airport Ltd (Cial).Two AC electric buses were operated along the route with an aim […]

K-Rail goes against Kerala’s much-vaunted decentralisation model

The hotly-debated topic in recent times in Kerala is the K-Rail project. K-Rail is a government-proposed speed-rail corridor connecting Kasaragod in the north and Thiruvananthapuram in the south. K-Rail promises a 200 km per hour speed, and is expected to […]

Outskirts of Kochi parched and pleading for drinking water

Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental right. But for many families living on the outskirts of Kochi, it is a luxury. Take Cheranalloor for instance. Over 100 families have been waiting for years to get a stable water […]

Uptick in registration of transport vehicles in Ekm

Ernakulam RTO has registered 2,030 non-transport vehicles in January this year. But it came down again with the onset of the second wave and took a U-turn by July. In September, 2,013 vehicles were registered in the non-transport category and […]

Lack of able leadership stands in way of development projects in Kochi

KOCHI: Kochi accounts for more than 40% of the state’s total revenue. Still, lack of effective implementation, absence of proper monitoring and want of a leadership to spearhead the execution of projects cripple the development of the city. Work on mega projects, […]

How remittances have shaped the socio-economic landscape of Kerala

Dwindling remittances will have dire consequences for the Kerala economy The historic discovery of oil in West Asia and the subsequent commercialisation of it in the 1960s stimulated great demand for skilled and unskilled labour. Keralites, confronted with a stagnant […]

Kochi city has nothing to cheer despite topping Niti Aayog index

KOCHI: In the sustainable development goal (SDG) index by Niti Aayog for the year 2021, Kochi City has secured the top fifth position. Though it underlines the city’s potential for developing its facilities in a sustainable manner, authorities hardly take note of the fact […]

Call to resume KSRTC’s premium bus services to suburbs

The KSRTC’s decision to deploy a bulk of air-conditioned low-floor buses as Bypass Rider services on the Thiruvananthapuram-Kozhikode route through the national highway and MC Road must not be at the cost of premium services it operated from the city […]

RSS, BJP leaders deny politics behind Akshayashree

“Undoubtedly, the Akshayashree networks will flourish further in Kerala and provide Sangh Parivar forces the much needed political mileage and advancement,’ said Ad. Jayashankar. Ernakulam: Various ventures and welfare schemes of the central government have become a tool for the […]

Himalayan tasks in a post-pandemic Kerala

When we talk about the kind of challenges that Kerala is going to face post -pandemic, it can be differentiated into health, economic, and social. Vaccinating the entire population of Kerala is bound to be a major hurdle. Now, Kerala […]

Pinarayi 2.0 | Kerala Cabinet formation reflects CPI(M) decision-making

There is a political message Pinarayi Vijayan gives to the public and his opponents by choosing a team of freshers for the Cabinet in the second term. He is consolidating his position in the party and is becoming the ultimate […]

The Other Pinarayi

For decades, Kerala has been known for the adverse political climate it creates for development projects and especially ent­repreneurial initiatives. Pinarayi kept up the traditional focus on education and basic infrastructure, but also tried to come out of the traditional […]

Challenges ahead for Pinarayi Vijayan in his second term

During his first term, Pinarayi Vijayan converted every crisis into an opportunity. Now, he has the unique chance to open a new path to governance and economic reforms Most of the pollsters who observed Kerala assessed that the campaign trail […]

The curious case on inner party democracy in Kerala

The whip culture in the political system should be done away with, and instead, the more significant ideological debates featuring in the socio-cultural context should be encouraged to maintain the sanctity and survival of the political space. D DHANURAJ  and […]

Success of Rahul Gandhi’s campaign will decide Congress’ future in Kerala

Rahul Gandhi’s extensive focus on Kerala and Tamil Nadu is a good opportunity for him to resurrect his political career by leading from the front — this will not only help the Congress in the south, but will also give […]

Private sector can give government’s COVID-19 vaccination drive a shot in the arm

While vaccination is a public good and bestows a greater responsibility on the government, the greater the availability of the vaccine in a deregulated space, the closer we get to the intended outcomes Dr D Dhanuraj and Sam Thomas After […]

Transfer powers of DMs to mayors to solve urban issues

One of the conditions laid down by the Centre for the state governments to increase their borrowing limit is to ‘bring in reforms to streamline the revenue of urban local bodies (ULBs)’. Though this has been in the discussion since […]

AAP’s victory makes a case for a strong city-state in India

The resounding victory of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in the Delhi polls has engendered various debates among political circles as well as the citizenry. While the opposition parties have to learn a lot from the way the Arvind Kejriwal-led […]

Is the bullet train a priority?

The bullet trains and the high-speed trains are in the news for the last few weeks. After taking charge as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray announced that the bullet train project worth Rs 1 lakh-crore investment, connecting Ahmedabad […]

RERA and IBC: The real solutions for real estate

Recent announcements by the FM involving financial stimulus for the revival of the real estate sector are nothing but a reaffirmation of the importance of the sector. Estimates by the NITI Aayog show that the sector has a size of […]

A single agency should be in charge of roads in city limits

Potholes on the roads have become an annual affair for Kochi, one of the leading metropolises in India. The recent Palarivattom flyover fiasco demands the audit of road repair works done in the past 10 years to find out the […]

India is staring at a water crisis and no politician is talking about it

The summer of 2019 is not only heated up by the intense general election campaign but also by the above average temperature forecasted in many parts of India. Even though the agrarian distress has been a major campaign issue, the […]

Who is going to bell the cat?

The black money trail in election campaigns has been a widely discussed topic in India over the decades. The Election Commission of India (ECI) has shared its concerns about the role played by big corporate houses, anonymous donors and foreign […]

The Right to Walk

With the exponential growth in the number of personal vehicles in Kerala in the last two decades, the pedestrian sidewalks started disappearing from our cities at an alarming rate. Most of the discussions on urban mobility have focussed on motorised […]