
February 1, 2016

IMANI Alert:  How Realistic is the Action Plan for Achieving India-Africa Forum Objectives?

     By Roshni Rajiv & Keshia Osei-kufuor*  The third India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) held in October 2015 in New Delhi, India captured attention briefly as it was the largest Indo-African Summit to date. The Summit Framework soon released after its […]
January 25, 2016

CPPR scholars share research-backed insights in DIC, KSIDC conference on Ease of Doing Business

Even as the Kerala Government goes out of its way to court investors and attract businesses, according to the recent World Bank report on doing business, the State assumed the 18th spot in ease of doing business among Indian states. Despite […]
January 12, 2016

How does number matter to the schools?

Of late, the educational sector in Kerala is becoming infamous for wrong reasons. From controversies in the SSLC results to the textbook crisis, the 100 percent literate state is slowly losing its glory. Recently, the Kerala high court has struck […]
January 1, 2016

Strategic Security in the Indian Sub-continent

The recent development in terms of strategic security in the Indian subcontinent grabbed many eyeballs. The 5th Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia Istanbul Process was underway in December 8-9 in Islamabad. It was devoted to the themes of security […]
December 21, 2015

18 months of Modi Regime – Have things really changed?

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi led BJP government has completed 18 months at the center. India registered an impressive 7.4% yoy GDP growth for the July-Sep’15 time period. Whilst the government can take pride in the top line growth, the […]
December 19, 2015

The reality of Climate Change and of those vulnerable to it.

Climate change, how real is it? Two decades have passed since the issue of climate change and its global impact has made media headlines, led to several rounds of diplomatic negotiations and inspired countless disaster movies. While, global public opinion […]
December 18, 2015

The Paris agreement on Climate Change (COP 21 )

The (COP21) 2015 Paris talks on climate change leading to the agreement signed by 195 nations was the most significant conference since Copenhagen as countries had set themselves a deadline of 2015 for coming up with a legally-binding deal that […]
December 16, 2015

The Bankruptcy Code for India – A step to ease ‘Doing Business’?

  By Archana Mavanur* India is ranked 130 of the 189 countries by the World Bank on ease of doing business scale. The regulatory requirement in place to start and operate a business in India includes a list of approvals […]
December 9, 2015

Kerala Book Publishing Society (KBPS): Another spoiled brat of the State Government?

By D. Dhanuraj[1] & Deepthi Mary Mathew[2]* Even in this glorified era of ‘Digital India’ and Kerala being announced as the ‘First Digital State’in the country,the ‘young India’, our children, have to be too much dependent on textbooks, as the […]
December 1, 2015

The Emergence of India in the Africa Rising Anecdote; a Game Changer?

  By Alena Wabitsch and Brian Dzansi*   The third India-Africa Summit recently held in New Delhi, created history by being the largest Africa summit ever held in India. Based on a common history of colonialism and good relations established […]
November 30, 2015

Convergence Toward a Hybrid Centralized/Decentralized Power System Model in Developed and Developing Countries

by Dr. Varun Sivaram*   In the future, both developed and developing economies may converge toward distributed electricity systems. The emergence of technologies for efficient distributed power generation and storage alongside those for intelligently operating a distributed system holds benefits […]
November 24, 2015

Fiasco of engineering colleges in Kerala

By D Dhanuraj[1] & Deepthi Mary Mathew[2] It seems the golden era of the engineering colleges in the Kerala is getting over. Kerala Technological University has taken action against 23 colleges where not a single student was admitted to 23 batches […]
November 23, 2015

Ambitious Government, Aiming for Realising Idle Gold

With the motto of realizing the idle gold reserves for productive purposes the Government of India recently adopted three gold schemes. It is estimated that there is 20000 tons of gold (to some experts, 22000 tons worth USD$ 800 billion […]
November 12, 2015

Foreign Debt of India Inc and Currency Risk

The latest RBI data shows that external commercial borrowings from March 2014 to March 2015 increased by 32 per cent to $ 181.9 billion. It has jumped by 21 per cent over 2013-14. This is 38 per cent of India’s […]
November 3, 2015

Shadow Banking: Lessons from International Experience

Shadow banking has grown even more rapidly than the official banking sector in the international world Since the 1980s. It grew in size dramatically after the year 2000 and plays an increasingly critical role in lending businesses through credit intermediation. […]