
June 5, 2015

The Animal Kingdom to confront with the Plant Kingdom!!!

In this World Environment Day special article, Ms.Ananthitha A* reminds us not to neglect the animal kingdom. Usually my daughter wakes me up in the mornings, but today I got up hearing many loud animal and bird noises. I could […]
May 13, 2015

Connecting Chinese !!!

CPPR- CSS was proud to be host a high profile visit on May 4th evening. A Chinese delegation comprising of Mr. Cheng Guangzhong, Minister Counsellor; Ms. Xie Liyan, Press Counsellor; Mr. Xu Xiaorong, Attache Press Section ;and Ms. Shao Wu, Attache […]
May 12, 2015

Debating Kerala’s Claims on Literacy

Part 1 of the Series By D Dhanuraj and Rahul V Kumar[i]   Our idea in this series of two articles is to carefully examine the state of Kerala’s school education focusing on two districts Wayanad and Palakkad. We focus […]
April 13, 2015

Evaluating India’s monetary policy: Looking for Market and Non-conventional Tools

“Very cautious approach but not in line with market expectations.” Dr Martin Patrick, Chief Economist, CPPR describes in these lines the first bi-monthly monetary policy for this year announced on 7, April 2015 in Mumbai. Dr Patrick expresses and explain […]
April 11, 2015

An Account of the Woes of the Indian Educator! (PART 2)

This is a continuation of the previous article which appeared in Pallikkuttam and authored by Dr. D Dhanuraj** In the previous edition of Pallikkutam, I wrote on the Government run arts & science colleges in Kerala and the various guidelines […]
March 23, 2015

Health Insurance and Telecom Markets – A Comparative Study

In this article Dr. D Dhanuraj, Chairman of CPPR, tries to find out the lessons the Health Insurance Market can learn from the already successful Telecom Market by doing a comparative market approach.  In India as on today, private healthcare […]
March 10, 2015

E-Rickshaw Bill Passed!! Why we need to celebrate

E-Rickshaw bill was passed by Lok Sabha (People’s Assembly) last week setting it clear that Government wanted to push mobility of people to the forefront. From now E-Rikshaws are a legalised system which was effectuated by an amendment to the […]
March 5, 2015

The Strategic Rise of China: Regional Hegemony or Peaceful Rise?

In this article, Vinny Davis, Research Assistant at CPPR, looks at Sino presence in the Asia Pacific Region and what it means for the United States of America The rise of China to its present international stature is phenomenal. China […]
March 5, 2015

An Account of the Woes of the Indian Educator! (PART 1)

Dr. D Dhanuraj, Chairman of CPPR looks into the various woes of the Indian Educator. This article* is the first in this series and more on the theme will follow in the coming months. The issues and challenges faced by the […]
March 3, 2015

Why US is Rebalancing its Strategy in Asia Pacific?  

 “The Mediterranean is the ocean of the past, the Atlantic the ocean of the present, and the Pacific is the ocean of the future.”                                 […]
February 25, 2015

Getting the Railways back on track

In this article, Roshni Rajiv puts forward eight suggestions to reform the current rail structure in tune with the needs of the 21st century* Indian Railways is more than 150 years old and has played a vital role in the […]
February 23, 2015

Delhi Elections and its Aftermath for AAP

By, D. Dhanuraj and Rahul V Kumar* Delhi election results did create a wave. Social media was flooded with applause for the lone fighter in Arvind Kejriwal. Success of the Aam Admi Party (AAP) was lauded as the success of democracy. […]
February 17, 2015

National Games: The Curious Case of the Host State

By, Sibin Sabu* National Games is meant to identify and promote sports talent in the country while also developing sports infrastructure. With that objective in mind, the Central government and the government of the host state pumps a lot of money for […]
February 10, 2015

Fall of Goliath and the Rise of the Under-dog?

By, Renjini Rajagopalan There are many ways of looking at Delhi elections. On one hand, it is a study of all the things that went wrong. On the other, it is also a study of what went right. People from […]
February 9, 2015

Obama’s Visit to New Delhi – The Role of Friendship vs The Role of Issues

By, Raymond E Vickery Jr* When I was in New Delhi for President Obama’s Republic Day visit, the emphasis was on the Obama-Modi friendship as a prime determinate of US-India relations.  In Kochi – at the Center for Public Policy […]