
February 14, 2014

The Auto Rickshaw strike in Kochi – the policy imbroglio

The recent strike by the Auto Rickshaw drivers in Kochi City exposes the fundamental flaws in the Governance structure and policy note. Kochi is one of the emerging metro cities in South India having a total population of 1.8 million […]
January 6, 2014

The quandary of food security

  By Somesh S. Menon*   India has always been renowned as a country operating on contradictions. Right from its pre-Independence days when it was revered as the jewel in the British empire, till the period just before liberalization when […]
December 12, 2013

Proceedings of the International Conference on National Security

International Conference on National Security Management in Federal Structure – Perspectives from India and the United States 6th, 7th December, 2013 Kochi, India ********* National Security has emerged as a key topic of discussion worldwide at all levels of society, […]
October 18, 2013

Policy Brief on National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP)

 Policy Brief on National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) prepared by CPPR for the Mayor of Cochin, Kerala, India Forming city specific Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) with stakeholders. Guidelines and structure to be clearly laid out for the State Government and […]
July 12, 2013

How to Plan a City – Lessons learnt from Jane Jacobs

* By Merin Peter “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” Planning and developing a city can be a tedious task.  There are different ways to plan a […]
June 27, 2013

AFSPA: A struggle worth living for?

 By Sonakshi Gupta*  Having refused food and water for over 500 weeks now, Irom C. Sharmila is currently under trial for attempt to suicide.  Being tried for a crime that was never committed, even though every fiber of Sharmila’s being […]
June 14, 2013

Universal Healthcare Coverage in India

 By Anaita Singh* Why Healthcare, at all?  “If it were possible to evaluate the loss, which this country annually suffers through the avoidable waste of valuable human material and the lowering of human efficiency through malnutrition and preventable morbidity, we […]
June 6, 2013

‘Start’ing Up Entrepreneurship

By Mary Honey* Reducing youth unemployment is one of the major challenges facing most governments in the world for decades to come. With an estimated 88 million young women and men worldwide are unemployed. According to a recent study conducted […]
June 4, 2013

Factious Polity over Prosperity

By B.Chandrasekaran The political paralysis over the external liberalization of foreign direct investment in retail sector is not new to Indian polity. In the 80s, there were outrages over the computerization of banks in India. The 90s witnessed the factious […]
May 27, 2013

Social Stock Exchange: A Market Oriented Technology Based Solution for Impact Investment and Transparency in Social Welfare Projects

By Ms. Rose Mary K Abraham* This paper explores the possibility of setting up a Social Stock Exchange (SSE) in India for raising funds for political or social causes in a transparent manner. The SSE, as this author visualises, is […]
May 20, 2013

Caste based reservation – Outdated!?!

 By Mary Honey* Though we all live in a democratic country where everyone enjoys freedom and equality (only written in constitution?), the caste reservation sometimes makes a hindrance for everyone from enjoying equality Due to the attractive allowances offered by […]
April 24, 2013

All Bucks Stops at Skilling

By B.Chandrasekaran The aptly crunching buzzword one everywhere hears now is skilling or reskilling the manpower as an imperative for the country if we want to achieve more inclusive nature of human development indicators and thereby accelerate the economic growth […]
March 28, 2013

French Intervention in Mali: Emerging trends in France’s Africa policy!

By Chacko Philip* “France will stay in Mali as long as necessary” declared French President Francois Hollande on 2 February 2013 at Bamako, capital of Mali, during his one-day visit to the country. He arrived here after the French-led military […]
March 27, 2013

Jurisdictional and Immunity Issues in the Story of Enrica Lexie :A case of Shoot & Scoot turns around!

By Harisankar K S* The Enrica Lexie incident has caused ripples not only in the political and diplomatic circles but also generated debates in the international legal community. The following discussion tries to bring in certain important developments in the […]
March 27, 2013

A welfare statement called Kerala Budget 2013

By D.Dhanuraj These days, budget discussions are one of the media favourites, especially for the visual media because of its ability for creating a buzz easily across the various segments of the society. Kerala Budget 2013 is the latest one […]