Centre for Comparative Studies

August 17, 2019

In-house talk on “Political Economy of Kerala’s Fiscal Stress” by Dr Jose Sebastian

CPPR-Centre for Comparative Studies organised an in-house talk on “Political Economy of Kerala’s Fiscal Stress”, delivered by Dr Jose Sebastian, a seasoned writer and a retired senior faculty from Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, on August 8, 2019 from […]
August 16, 2019

Strengthening India’s Bond Market

The bond market in India is still not completely developed, even after several committees being formed throughout the years to augment the bond market. This means that the bond market is unable to share the credit burden that the banking […]
August 14, 2019

In-house talk on “Political Economy of Kerala’s Fiscal Stress”

The Centre for Comparative Studies (CCS) organised an in-house talk on “Political Economy of Kerala’s Fiscal Stress”, delivered by Dr Jose Sebastian, a seasoned writer and a retired senior faculty from Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, on August 8, […]
August 13, 2019

Can Strict Laws Rein in Social Media during Polls?

In India, there are nearly 400 million Internet users who are easily accessible to the political party campaigners through Facebook and WhatsApp. There is a huge potential for social media to alter the course of election campaigns. A sensational content […]
August 5, 2019

Commuters clueless on the scope of Kochi1 Card

Dr D Dhanuraj, Chairman, CPPR, quoted in The Times of India. Talking about the Kochi1 Card, he said that there needs to be clarity on how commuters using the Kochi1 Card could get the benefits of One Nation One Card […]
July 31, 2019

US-Pakistan relations: Rebooting the ties? | CPPR Global High Tea |

In this edition of CPPR Global High Tea, Gazi Hassan, Senior Research Associate, CPPR-Centre for Strategic Studies, talks about US-Pakistan relationship and Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to America with an intent to reset the ties.
July 31, 2019

Finding a way out of Kochi’s traffic tangle

In this news report published in The Hindu on the traffic issues in the city, CPPR Chairman Dr D Dhanuraj comments “The proposed command and control centre for traffic management remains in the discussion stage while confusion prevails over whether […]
July 29, 2019

The Gulf Bubble Part 4: What Next?

Dr D Dhanuraj Chairman, CPPR comments in a series published in The Lede. Kerala is a state that runs largely on two sources of revenue – tourism and money orders. In this series on The Lede the focus on the […]
July 29, 2019

Post Budget panel discussion at Carmel College, Mala

Ms Nissy Solomon, Senior Research Associate, CPPR-Centre for Comparative Studies was part of a post budget panel discussion in Carmel College, Mala. She spoke on the key takeaways for Kerala from the Union Budget 2019.
July 29, 2019

More Investments the Way Forward for Agriculture?

At the time of India’s independence subsidies were necessary as they were important for the small and marginal farmers to access inputs and to encourage them to adopt new technology. But now subsidies are slowly outliving their utility. Subsidies given […]
July 29, 2019

Promoting Electric Vehicles — Are We Doing Enough?

India is home to 14 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world, and given the role of pollution caused by vehicles, there is a greater emphasis on moving to green energy sources. Electric vehicles are seen as a […]
July 29, 2019

The Blue Wave in Sudan: How India Rides the Tide?

The recent conflict in Sudan was born of a fervent desire for something India considers the essence of her existence: Democracy. This article elucidates the timeline of events following the fall of the 30-year-long Bashir regime, the conflict between the […]
July 29, 2019

India’s Southern Sojourn in the Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean Region being a strategic location in the Indo-Pacific region has caught the attention of the world’s new master, China. China, being the new party to enter the region’s political domain, has emerged as a threat to India’s maritime […]
July 28, 2019

Workshop on disaster management held in Kochi

The US Consulate and Centre for Public Policy Research in association with Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA) organized a workshop called ‘America with Kerala ‘ here on Wednesday to come up with policy recommendations on disaster management. “The goal […]
July 27, 2019

Disaster Management workshop held in Kochi

News report on America with Kerala Kochi workshop published in ETV Bharat on July 24, 2019