November 30, 2018

‘Move may hit last-mile connectivity’

*The news story published on The Times of India, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s comment on Motor Vehicles Department’s decision to stop issuing new permits for diesel and petrol autorickshaws and promote CNG-powered vehicles. KOCHI: The decision to stop […]
November 14, 2018

PepsiCo tests ancient India river route as Narendra Modi pushes waterways

*The news story published on livemint, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s comment on the context of inland water navigation in India. The World Bank-assisted Ganga waterways project— costing ₹5,370 crore — will enable the commercial navigation of vessels and […]
November 7, 2018

When will Kochi act?

*The news story published on The New Indian Express, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s suggestions to stop frequent bus accidents in Kochi. KOCHI: Going by the two mishaps that occurred on Tuesday, it is clear that such tales of […]
October 29, 2018

That ain’t a fair deal, folks!

*The news story published on The New Indian Express, Kochi quoting CPPR Senior Research Associate, Deepthi Mary Mathew’s comment on how lack of economic Fredoom for local self-government bodies can be counterproductive. Ease of doing business is not just about single-window […]
October 17, 2018

Legislating KMTA Act need of the hour, say experts

*The news story published on The Times of India, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s remark on prerequisites for legislating KMTA Act. KOCHI: With Cochin Smart Mission Ltd (CSML) gearing up to execute the integrated traffic management system (ITMS) and introduce […]
October 16, 2018

Roping in danger! Cops ignore DGP’s directive

*The news story published on The Hindu, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s comment on the lack of scientific practices in regulating traffic. Last week, Jerin, a mechanical engineer from Kaloor, was taking a diversion at Banerji Road near Janatha […]
October 9, 2018

Tax, fuel price hike put a spoke in Kochi buses’ wheel

*The news story published on The Hindu, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s comment on challenging scenario of private bus operators in Kochi. Over 800 private buses have disappeared from city roads in the past nine years Is the number […]
October 9, 2018

1,100 of 2,000 pvt buses go off city roads in 9yrs

*The news story published on Deccan Chronicle, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s comment on sharp decline in the number of private buses operating in Kochi city circuit. *This news story can be also read at Deccan Chronicle’s website.
October 8, 2018

Election Dates Declared in Five States| അഞ്ചു സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങള്‍ ബൂത്തിലേക്ക്

In the wake of the declaration of elections dates in five states of India, the expert panel deliberates over Indian General Elections 2019. CPPR Chairman D. Dhanuraj along with other experts discuss the political scenario in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Telangana, Mizoram and […]
September 28, 2018

India has great potential to play normative leader in Asia-Pacific region

*The news story published on The New Indian Express, Kochi in reference with ‘Great Power Transitions and Power Shifts in the Asia-Pacific’,  an interactive session held at CPPR.  India has always approached these issues from a moral angle, without depending […]
September 24, 2018

Plan to have buses with fewer seating capacity

*The news story published on The Times of India, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s comment on Motor Vehicle department’s proposal to operate buses with fewer seats but more space for standee passengers.  Officials with the motor vehicles department (MVD) […]
September 18, 2018

Rebuilding Kerala: Govt turns to public, seeks ‘smart ideas’ for state planning

*The news story published on The News Minute, quoting CPPR Chairman, Dr. D. Dhanuraj’s comment on ‘smart ideas’ for ‘Rebuilding Kerala’.   In the first such initiative, the Kerala government is inviting “practical ideas and suggestions from all walks of life”. […]
September 6, 2018

Kakkanad’s arduous route

*The news story published on The New Indian Express, Kochi quoting CPPR’s Study KOCHI: Situated in the eastern part of Kochi, Kakkanad houses administrative, industrial, residential and IT headquarters, thereby making the town one of the largest and fastest growing […]
August 29, 2018

Paving the way for the para-transit sector

There is a growing need to pave way for the Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) sector in India, starting with recognising, legalising and integrating it as a part of our transport system. This will enhance the first and last-mile connectivity and […]
August 28, 2018

Thumbs up for salary challenge| The way forward to rebuild a new Kerala

The expert panel discusses on Kerala Government’s Salary Challenge initiative for supporting the flood victims in the state.  CPPR Chairman D. Dhanuraj along with other experts in the panel reflects on the way forward to rebuild a new Kerala. Watch […]
August 21, 2018

Kerala Civil Supplies Corporation failing in its objective to sell subsidised commodities

Even the quantity of coconut oil, which is the most sold and preferred item at Supplyco outlets, distributed through 1,406 outlets across Kerala contributes only 2.52 per cent of Kerala’s total consumption demand. Similarly, for other most-sold items, the majority […]
August 14, 2018

IPTs in an Integrated Urban Transport System

In a populous country like India, integration of Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) with the mass transit systems is essential considering the steep rise in demand and the haphazard growth of the urban transport sector in India. Read more on ‘IPTs […]
August 13, 2018

Rural, Private Clinics Big Contributors to Health care

75 per cent of the population in Kerala goes to private medical institutions for treatment. Three-fourths of people rely on small clinics, nursing homes and hospitals. These play a major role, especially in rural areas,” comments Sara John, CPPR Senior […]
August 10, 2018

Foreign Liquor in Kerala: A Story of Deceit?

The liquor trade in Kerala has always remained politically directed with little or no choice for consumers. Political decisions have shaped the trade for several decades. Business can thrive only when entrepreneurs are free to decide what benefits them most. […]
August 2, 2018

The Curious Case of the Missing Feeder Systems

With the rapidly changing service industries inculcating innovation and flexibility, a crucial segment that has been sidelined, almost rendered invisible by policy makers has been the feeder services sector. Read more on ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Feeder Systems‘, […]