December 1, 2015

The Emergence of India in the Africa Rising Anecdote; a Game Changer?

  By Alena Wabitsch and Brian Dzansi*   The third India-Africa Summit recently held in New Delhi, created history by being the largest Africa summit ever held in India. Based on a common history of colonialism and good relations established […]
December 1, 2015

India looking at ‘just pact’ in Paris Climate talks: Ajay Mathur

Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India; Designated Director General, TERI -The Energy and Resources Institute, delivered the Inaugural Address during the International Conference on ‘Climate Change Paradigms’. The Conference was organized […]
November 30, 2015

Convergence Toward a Hybrid Centralized/Decentralized Power System Model in Developed and Developing Countries

by Dr. Varun Sivaram*   In the future, both developed and developing economies may converge toward distributed electricity systems. The emergence of technologies for efficient distributed power generation and storage alongside those for intelligently operating a distributed system holds benefits […]
November 30, 2015

Proceedings of International Conference on ‘Climate Change Paradigms’

The two-day International Conference on “Climate Change Paradigms”, conceptualized and organised by the Centre for Strategic Studies, Centre Public Policy Research, Kochi with the support of the US Consulate-General Chennai Region explored and debated upon the various issues and challenges […]
November 28, 2015

Investments Needed for Uplift of Marginalised, Indian Express, 21st November

Investments Needed for Uplift of Marginalised By Express News Service 21st November 2015 KOCHI: “If the government fails to ensure quality life for the marginalised sections of society, the country will land in trouble in the long run,” Ajay Mathur, […]
November 26, 2015

Indian Inroads Into Africa

Vinny Davis, Managing Associate of Centre for Strategic Studies writes how economic diplomacy will be key to Indian engagement with Africa. Read more about this in our blog  
October 29, 2015

The Dragon wants clear skies – Chinese Climate Resolve

Air pollution is vitiating the skies of Beijing like never before, prompting questions about the viability of coal-fired economic development. This air-borne pollution and its particulate matter (aerosols) have dire consequences for climatic and weather patterns across the world. Studies […]
October 14, 2015

Will the Climate change at The city of lights ?!

Sanjay Menon, Research Intern at CPPR introspects the challenges on climate talks at the Paris Conference. Read more at
October 10, 2015

Towards a path of achievable INDCs

The planet is warming up, and over 20 warmest years have been recorded since the 1980s. Unsurprisingly July 2015 was the warmest globally in the last 136 years. It was a grim reminder of how climate change is becoming a […]
October 7, 2015

Nepal Political Tussle : Another Humanitarian crisis in the Offing?

Ms Vinny Davis, Managing Associate of CPPR Centre for Strategic Studies (CSS) writes in CPPR Blog, How the current political situation in Nepal can be a potential humanitarian crisis. Read more about this at our blog
October 5, 2015

Oil Price Crash – What’s in store for India?

  How India can gain from the reduced Oil Price? Should we reduce subsidies? Should we store more oil? Archana Mavanur, Research Intern at CPPR explore these questions in CPPR blog. Read more at
September 25, 2015

International Conference on ‘Climate Change Paradigms ’

  International Conference on  ‘Climate Change Paradigms ’    (20th & 21st  November, 2015) Organised by CPPR – Centre for Strategic Studies (CSS) Supported by the US Consulate General in Chennai at Riviera Suites, Kochi, Kerala, India     CPPR- […]
September 23, 2015

How Climate Change is secretly disrupting Ghana’s city life?

By Roshni Rajiv* The city of Accra came to a standstill due to the magnitude of monsoon floods earlier this year. The city stood perplexed to a staggering toll of loss of over 200 human lives, irreparable damage to public […]
September 22, 2015

Japan: A Pacifist Embrace of  Militarism- Or was it the other way round?

Collective Security dictum of “all for one and one for all” rationale for global peacekeeping missions will now be applicable to Japan. The significant changes in the pacifist constitution of Japan to make its defence forces more upbeat recently witnessed […]
September 18, 2015

How will India set its sails through the muddy waters of Enrica Lexie case

  By Harisankar K S* More than two years ago, this author had an opportunity to reflect on the two significant legal issues of coastal state jurisdiction and sovereign functional immunity surrounding the Enrica Lexie incident, at European Journal of International […]