
December 11, 2017

India and the Developing Africa

India–Africa relations are as old as the civilisations of the Nile and the Indus Valley. The earlier known contact between India and countries in Africa dates back to pre-historic times. Trade, people-to-people contact and cultural ties have remained significant for […]
September 12, 2017

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and India

The geo-economic dynamics with a liberal political landscape has laid the foundation of a free-market trading system. The last decade has witnessed a surge in regional Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Africa, Latin America and Asia in the lead. The […]
September 30, 2016

The Sabotage of Humanitarian Efforts (Aid is #NotATarget)

Humanitarian workers have been in the frontline where human suffering has been paramount, be it a conflict, the aftermath of a natural disaster or the result of unprecedented human migration. Consequently, humanitarian workers remain equally exposed to turmoil and risks […]
September 1, 2016

Legacy of Obama’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East

As the second innings of Barack Obama draws to a close,the American foreign policy is facing a critical test of legitimacy. The belief in US exceptionalism– American indispensability for ensuring stability of its trusted allies and its preponderance to prevent […]
February 1, 2016

IMANI Alert:  How Realistic is the Action Plan for Achieving India-Africa Forum Objectives?

     By Roshni Rajiv & Keshia Osei-kufuor*  The third India-Africa Forum Summit (IAFS) held in October 2015 in New Delhi, India captured attention briefly as it was the largest Indo-African Summit to date. The Summit Framework soon released after its […]
December 1, 2015

The Emergence of India in the Africa Rising Anecdote; a Game Changer?

  By Alena Wabitsch and Brian Dzansi*   The third India-Africa Summit recently held in New Delhi, created history by being the largest Africa summit ever held in India. Based on a common history of colonialism and good relations established […]
November 26, 2015

Indian Inroads Into Africa

Vinny Davis, Managing Associate of Centre for Strategic Studies writes how economic diplomacy will be key to Indian engagement with Africa. Read more about this in our blog  
September 23, 2015

How Climate Change is secretly disrupting Ghana’s city life?

By Roshni Rajiv* The city of Accra came to a standstill due to the magnitude of monsoon floods earlier this year. The city stood perplexed to a staggering toll of loss of over 200 human lives, irreparable damage to public […]
March 28, 2013

French Intervention in Mali: Emerging trends in France’s Africa policy!

By Chacko Philip* “France will stay in Mali as long as necessary” declared French President Francois Hollande on 2 February 2013 at Bamako, capital of Mali, during his one-day visit to the country. He arrived here after the French-led military […]