The world is witnessing extraordinary events like Amazon fires, climate change, trade wars, inter-state conflicts and so on. Almost every developed state in the Western hemisphere is going through one or the other crisis that has pulled them from the position they had held in the past decades. In the era of globalisation and interdependence, crisis in one part of the world will have spill-over effects over the entire international system. The group of seven advanced economies, that annually meet to frame economic policies, on closer look reveals that the discontent over various issues is pushing them back. The group thus will not be able to move forward without more collaboration. The countries like India, China, Brazil, Australia, South Africa and others are equally capable of having say over economic policies that has a global impact. It is in this context the relevance of G7 is questioned.
Views expressed by the author are personal and need not reflect or represent the views of Centre for Public Policy Research
Gazi Hassan is Senior Research Associate at the CPPR Centre for Strategic Studies. His research covers areas on Asia-Pacific, particularly exploring the geopolitical dynamics, blue economy, developments related to trade and terrorism, role of various actors and security dynamics of the region. He has an MPhil in International Studies (Jamia Millia Islamia) and an MA in Peace Building and Conflict Analysis (Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution, JMI). He can be contacted on email at [email protected] and on twitter @gazihassan