CPPR in the News

December 29, 2015

Podcast on Paris Climate Change agreement (COP21) : Vinny Davis, Managing Associate CPPR-CSS

This is a podcast narrating the recently concluded agreement on climate change held at Paris. There has been a lot of euphoria over the 21st conference of parties which intended to create a global mechanism to combat climate change. The […]
May 23, 2014

CPPR projects : For a Better Understanding of the State

For a Better Understanding of the State Certain issues in India require closer attention but have failed to generate enthusiasm to capture enough audience. There probably would be several reasons to this but if you put these issues at the […]
March 2, 2012

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

ADR mechanisms have been mooted as the remedy for the pendency of cases, in our courts. However, the existing ADR mechanisms like arbitration and conciliation are largely used for commercial purposes. It is also observed that these measures have delivered […]
March 2, 2008

Right to Information( RTI) Campaign

The Right to Information Act was passed by the Indian Parliament in 2005, providing statutory recognition to the citizen’s right to seek information from public authorities. The legislation intends to bring transparency in governmental machinery by encouraging public scrutiny and […]