Reports & Papers

December 1, 2016

Government’s Role in India’s Ailing Cold Storage Sector

Every year, India wastes about 18 per cent of fruits and vegetables, due to lack of post-harvest storage facilities. The cold storage sector has been one of the most undermined sectors in India, devoid of investment, in spite of various […]
November 23, 2016

Challenges to the Role of Private Participation in Public Transportation: A Case of Kerala’s Private Buses

The State of Kerala in 2012 through a notification stopped issuing new permits to inter-district buses in Kerala while exempting state run Kerala State Transport Corporation. This was the beginning of the government’s action against private operators as it eventually […]
November 21, 2016

Deciphering the Challenges in Housing for Urban Poor

This paper studies the existing scenario of urban housing and examines the challenges in housing the urban poor in India. It includes a review of housing policies that exist today and learning from interactions with different stakeholders involved in the […]
November 7, 2016

A Stagnant Agriculture in Kerala: The Role of the State

Given the significant decline in agricultural production in Kerala in the last few decades, this paper elucidates how government policies and protective practices have created distortions in the agricultural market, hampering the growth of agriculture in the state. The distortions […]
October 6, 2016

Autonomous Colleges in Kerala: An Evaluative Study

Kerala has ushered a new paradigm in higher education sector by granting autonomy to a few colleges in the recent times. Though it has been in the practice only for the last two years, CPPR finds it is important to […]
July 28, 2016

Analysis of the Kerala Assembly Elections, May 2016

‘The corruption charges against the UDF government cost them the job’; a survey conducted by Centre for Public Policy Research among the voters reveals. The survey also tries to capture the mood and the perception of the voters on BJP-BDJS […]
June 10, 2016

Breaking Business Barriers: White Papers and Reports

Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR) a think tank based in Kochi had taken up an initiative ‘Breaking Business Barriers’ aiming to curtail the regulatory barriers in setting up, operating and exiting a business in the state of Karnataka, Kerala and […]
June 7, 2016

Local Finance in Kerala: A Study of Five Grama Panchayats in Ernakulam District

The study attempts to review the existing structure of different sources of finance for Grama Panchayats (GPs) in Kerala and analyze the effectiveness of such fund mobilization. It also looks into the problems associated with revenue mobilization and suggests how […]
June 4, 2016

Common Man’s Clothing – Effects of Taxes and Tariffs

The discriminatory tax policies and the higher tariffs imposed on Man-Made Fibres (MMF) in India compared to cotton, have resulted in the availability of MMF to the manufacturers at non competitive prices, compared to the competing countries. This has also […]
April 28, 2016

Evaluation of Government Interventions in Khadi Sector

Khadi sector is an over-regulated one in India, where the entire production process, sales, distribution, and marketing is fully regulated by the government through Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) . The paper examines the growth of Khadi market in […]
September 21, 2015

Study on Consumption and Saving Patterns

CPPR undertook a study to look into the consumption behaviour and saving patterns of households in an urban local context with specific reference to fisherman community. The Study was conducted as a part of the field research of CPPR-ATLAS Policy School […]
January 28, 2015

India’s trade barriers: an analysis with reference to tariffs and customs procedures

By  Pinak Sarkar and Dr. (Prof.) Martin Patrick India is the seventh largest economy in the world. However, it is only the sixteenth largest exporter, in terms of value with its exports accounting for around USD 336.6 billion. In contrast, […]
January 28, 2015

Intermediate Para-Transit (IPT) systems: A case of private players in a sector of government monopoly

Abstract Transport sector in India has immense growth opportunities and is posed to grow enormously in the future. However, public transport sector has been waning thanks to government monopoly. Private sector involvement has been very limited. Bucking this trend has […]
January 28, 2015

For a Free and Fair Sporting Sector in India

By, Dhanuraj and Rahul V. Kumar This study seeks to find an answer to this question: which one can be a successful model in sports in India: Planned Approach or a Spontaneous Order?’ The study explains that planned sporting activities […]
January 27, 2015

Understanding the Status of Higher Education in India

By, D. Dhanuraj and Rahul V. Kumar ABSTRACT The paper examines the higher education scenario in India and attempts to point out why very few serious investors invest in higher educational sector. Several factors are responsible for this. Primary among these […]