From the blog

May 29, 2013

Social Stock Exchange: A Market Oriented Technology Based Solution for Social Impact Investment

By Rosemary Abraham, IES This paper explores the possibility of setting up a social stock exchange (SSE) in India for raising funds for political or social causes in a transparent manner. The SSE, as this author visualises, is a stock […]
March 15, 2013

Same old Centralised Planning

By B.Chandrasekharan Being a believer of principles of liberalism and for the perspective of the twenty-first century, it makes compelled to pen down few thoughts on India’s centralized planning process which has been in practice for more than six decades. […]
November 8, 2012

Vocational Training in India

By Madhu . S   There are currently 2,133 government run Industrial Training Institutes or commonly referred to as ITI’s in India with can accommodate 4,32,006 students (DGET, 2010). These cater to the vocational training requirements of the huge country. […]
November 3, 2012

Para transit system in India- A case study of Chennai

By Madhu.S Para transit systems across the world catered to different segments of the population and have been considered an informal means of transit. In a country with a billion population share autos, share taxis, maxi cabs etc has been […]
September 1, 2012

The Kochi Metro-The Commuter’s Perspective

A Metro rail is being mooted as the solution to congestion on the roads as well as pollution in Kochi. However there are doubts arising as to the utility of a metro- especially in Kochi, to be able to solve […]
August 27, 2012

Let surprises live, not certainty of complacency

Can history ever move backwards? Can it be called the trajectory of progress into “the civilized violence”? It is a polemic to start with. Theories of progress and civilization are intimated to the myth of linear regulation of violence through […]
March 5, 2012

Urbanising Kerala – Revisiting Governance for a better Metro Kerala

Provisional census figures for Kerala 2011 states that Kerala is urbanised up to 47.7%.  This is a quantum jump from the 26 % recorded in 2001. This is largely caused by the growth is in what are defined as census […]
March 2, 2012

Reforming Maritime Laws in India

<”><”> Recent developments in Kerala owing to killing of Indian fishermen by armed marines boarded on Italian Vessel Enrica Lexie, has left open multiple legal questions, keeping lawyers awake for the past two weeks. The primary question was whether the […]
March 2, 2012

The ‘Alcohol’ Debate Continues…

Neha Kurian Alcohol abuse, consumption, ban…  amusing that this has become one of the most talked about topics in our state today whether to condemn or to glorify!… Excerpts from a conversation between socially responsible friends who are fervently for and […]
March 2, 2012

Urbanising Kerala – Revisiting Governance for a better Metro Kerala

Provisional census figures for Kerala 2011 states that Kerala is urbanised up to 47.7%.  This is a quantum jump from the 26 % recorded in 2001. This is largely caused by the growth is in what are defined as census […]