October 10, 2015

Private universities: A healing agent to the forever sickest kid of the Government, ‘the Higher Education Sector’

By Dhanuraj & Deepthi Mary Mathew* Even with its claim of 100% of literacy, the quality of higher education in the state is always under scrutiny. The Universities in the state are often characterised by their out modelled courses, outdated syllabus […]
June 17, 2015

Private investment in higher education: Challenges and Scepticism, Governance Now

Private investment in higher education: Challenges and Scepticism Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have maximum number of Private Universities. In Uttar Pradesh alone, out of the 21 private universities in the state, politicians have an active stake in the management of […]
August 22, 2014

The Mysterious Private University Regulatory system in India

By Dr D. Dhanuraj & Rahul V Kumar* In the previous article we started with understanding of the inherent policy vacuums in some of the federal states in India. Our observation was that in some of these states at least […]