D Dhanuraj

D Dhanuraj

Position: Chairman
Categories: Board of Trustees

Dhanuraj is the Founder-Chairman of the Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR), a non-profit, independent public policy think-tank based in Kochi, Kerala, India.

With two decades of experience in this sector, his interest areas lie at the intersection of research and policy analysis. He is a policy researcher and commentator on urbanisation, urban mobility and infrastructure, education, retail, health, livelihood, law, public expenditure, defence and security, geo politics and election analysis, and has collaborated with state, national and international governments, organisations and institutions on several key research studies and policy recommendations.

Well known in the international, national and state public policy space, he is a noted speaker, panellist and thought leader at several policy debates, discussions, panels, conferences and roundtables. He also writes extensively for several leading media publications, and contributes his expertise and opinion as a policy expert on news channels.

Currently, he is also the President of the Association of Public Policy Education in India (APPE), and was the Secretary General of Liberal Youth South Asia (LYSA) from 2008- 09 and Founder President and Trustee of Liberal Youth Forum of India (LYF) from 2008 to 2011.

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