Centre for Urban Studies

June 5, 2018

Pushing the need to revive public spaces; The Times of India, June 5, 2018

by Deepika Jayaram While rapid urbanisation seems to move at a relentless and inevitable pace, environmentalists have been stressing on the need for a sustainable model of development and even launching movements and agitations towards achieving this goal. Though a […]
September 3, 2015

Majority of Commuters Express Dissatisfaction over Boat Service, Metro Manorama 1st September, 2015

  Metro Manorama 1st September 2015 In Ernakulam district, more than 13,000 people use ferry service. In the study conducted by CPPR around fifty-six per cent of the passengers expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality of the ferry service. Presently […]
September 15, 2014

Road transport and safety bill is what Kochi requires, Times of India, September 15

  Times of India, 15th September KOCHI: Proposals in the draft Road Transport and Safety Bill are just what the doctor ordered and Kochi urgently needs to implement, according to transport experts in the city. Over the years, public pressure […]
February 14, 2013

Study on Inland Water Transportation in Kochi City Region

The following research work conducted by Yogi Joseph of CEPT, Ahmedabad for CPPR aims to highlight the problems ailing the water transportation sector in Kochi. It relied upon extensive review of secondary data, people’s observations about the ferry system recorded […]
March 7, 2012

News in The Hindu on 07-03-2012