Riby Rachel Mathew

Riby Rachel Mathew

Position: Research Fellow (Sustainable Urban Development and Local Governance)
Categories: Fellows

Riby Mathew is an Urban Planner with more than one and half decades professional, research and academic experience in development sector. She developed competence in Sustainable Urban Development and Decentralized governance by working on various projects at urban, rural and regional level, sponsored by Multilateral, Bilateral and Government agencies. Her experience profile includes Infrastructure Planning, Resilient City Planning, Slum Improvement & Urban Poverty Reduction, , Institutional Building and Capacity Building etc
Currently Riby is a consultant to CRDF , CEPT University for a study on Efficacy of Integrated Urban Planning in Kochi city and recently completed a study on Institutional Assessment and Capacity Building for Risk Informed and Effective Urban Planning in Kerala for a study for KfW-World Bank , under Rebuild Kerala Initiatives.
On behalf of CSML (2018-20), coordinated various Smart Cities labs and initiatives of Fraunhofer Institute, IDS Sussex and NIUA in Kochi. In 2019, represented Kochi for a study visit on Non-Motorized Transport system to UK organized by the University of Leeds.
During 2014-17, as Team leader of State Mission Management Unit (SMMU) Riby coordinated the preparation of Smart City Proposal in Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) for infrastructure project funding under AMRUT and Kerala State Capacity Building Plan for Urban Development under CCBP, JnNURM. She was also a member in State Level Technical Cell, Kudumbashree Mission for preparation of Slum Free City Plan of Action (SFCPoA) under RAY.
Riby has recently completed a certificate programme in General Management from IIM Calcutta.