
June 23, 2020

Impact of COVID on Refugees across the Globe- Part 3

The restrictive measures taken to combat COVID-19 including shutting down borders, travel bans and halting migration have put more constraints on the displaced refugee population all over the world, making them more vulnerable to the pandemic. According to UNHCR, there […]
June 11, 2020

Impact of COVID on Refugees across the Globe- Part 2

A large number of refugees seek safety in Europe, but the lack of legal pathways leaves many stranded on unseaworthy boats while using clandestine routes trying to reach Greece, Italy and Spain. Various international organisations have taken up the responsibility […]
June 5, 2020

Impact of COVID on Refugees across the Globe – Part 1

No country is spared from the devastating health and economic impacts of COVID-19; among the most affected are the 25.9 million refugees seeking refuge in some of the world’s poorest countries with declining and failing healthcare systems. Though governments are […]
September 23, 2015

How Climate Change is secretly disrupting Ghana’s city life?

By Roshni Rajiv* The city of Accra came to a standstill due to the magnitude of monsoon floods earlier this year. The city stood perplexed to a staggering toll of loss of over 200 human lives, irreparable damage to public […]