Dr Parth Shah is the Founder-President of Centre for Civil Society (CCS), a New Delhi-based market-liberal think tank that advances social change through public policy. Parth’s research and advocacy work focuses on the themes of economic freedom, choice, and competition in education, property rights approach to the environment and new public management. He is a member of the education task force of the governments of Delhi and Karnataka and serves on the Senate of the Central University of Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Auburn University, and has taught at the University of Michigan and been a visiting faculty at JNU, Delhi and MS University, Vadodara. He has worked for over two decades on education policy and market-based solutions to improving education delivery in India. He has also published extensively in Indian and international journals and has edited several books. Some of his works include Liberalism in India, Morality of Markets, Law, Liberty, and Livelihood and School Vouchers: Direct Benefit Transfers in Education.