The improvements in infrastructure coupled with the growth in population has created tremendous demand for transportation services. The city buses and other mass transit systems often fall short in meeting this demand, resulting in people relying on alternative modes like autorickshaws, taxis, etc. for their transit needs. These alternate modes serve as intermediate public transport (IPT) or para-transit, providing first and last mile connectivity, while also bridging the gap in the existing public transport systems. This paper looks at the importance of IPTs in the transport sector of India in terms of their role, benefits, issues, present status and legislative provisions. Legalising and integrating IPTs as a part and parcel of the system is integral in meeting urban India’s growing demand for transportation.

Click on the link to view the study ‘An Assessment of the Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) Sector in India‘ conducted by Deepthi Susan Ponodath, Managing Associate, CPPR.

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Deepthi Susan Ponodath was Managing Associate of the CPPR Centre for Urban Studies.

Deepthi Susan Ponodath
Deepthi Susan Ponodath
Deepthi Susan Ponodath was Managing Associate of the CPPR Centre for Urban Studies.

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