
August 19, 2014

Perestroika: Planning Commission goes! But Planning stays with…

By Devi Prasad, IES* From the Red-fort, the present  PM, an outsider to Delhi durbar,  in a  Schumpeterian frame had announced creative  destruction of  the Planning Commission, and positioning of a new Think Tank in its place.  The risk of any power elite capturing such a Think Tank stands minimised, as […]
July 29, 2014

Count costs in Multiple Governance Framework

By Devi Prasad, IES* Worldwide the costs of governance are infinite. The opportunity to raise resources are finite. With the given poverty ratio and the inequalities on several counts including the digital divide, the challenge of balancing the same is […]
July 16, 2014

Who is burdened with the Budget 2014-15?

By Devi Prasad IES* Who is burdened with the Budget 2014-15? None, except the Finance Minister of India, Mr. Arun Jaitley himself!… because, Mr Jaitley has to read 16458 words, documented as “Budget Speech”; he has to read to explain the disbursement of […]
July 9, 2014

The Mexican liberalization: some notes for India

About 50 years ago, it appeared that Mexico had found the recipe for economic growth that it needed. The import substitution model generated an average GDP growth of 6.8% annually between 1960 and 1981 (World Bank 2014). However, that model […]
June 24, 2014


The global economy is recovering from the worst financial crisis since the great depression. The recovery, however, is fragile and uneven. The financial crisis has brought a number of lessons to the fore. First, financial regulation needs to stay ahead […]
June 12, 2014

Kerala’s public policy crisis in fighting Cancer

Thinking about the cancer care policy has been part of India’s modern medical history since the inception of the National Cancer Control Programme in 1975-76. This programme conceived the Regional Cancer Centre (RCC) of Kerala in 1981. So far the […]
June 5, 2014

Planting saplings: Does our Environment Day start and end there???

Today, as I entered the main road, a rally of school children welcomed me. They were all having umbrellas decorated with leaves of various trees.  This was how; they celebrated the World Environment Day (WED). Yesterday onwards, there are advertisements […]
June 4, 2014

Will Modi’s Minimum government phase out the Civil Service?

Will Modi’s Minimum government phase out the Civil Service? The context for this question lies in an attempt by the author to understand the concept of Minimum Government and the theory behind it. In nominal terms ‘Minimum Government’ is a […]
May 23, 2014

CPPR projects : For a Better Understanding of the State

For a Better Understanding of the State Certain issues in India require closer attention but have failed to generate enthusiasm to capture enough audience. There probably would be several reasons to this but if you put these issues at the […]
May 13, 2014

India General Elections 2014: A Muddled State of Affairs from the Youth Perspective

The Industrial Process of Electioneering From the start General Elections 2014 was no less than a functioning industrial unit, producing output in tonnes. The elections were a month long process where a population close to 814 million people were expected […]
May 13, 2014

Why market competition hasn’t delivered better quality school education?

  The fact that achievements of Kerala state in education and health sectors are comparable with the developed countries is widely known. The recognition for the value and the role of education in social development came as early as in […]
May 6, 2014

Of Students and Politics in Kerala

By Rahul V.Kumar and Madhu.S* We are a state where student politics has been vibrant. There has been moments cherished as well as loathed while campus politics was at its peak. Many of the current ministers and famous politicians are […]
May 6, 2014

Skill vouchers: The next big thing for employability

By D. Dhanuraj Centre for Public Policy Research The nation is going to polling booths to elect its 16th LokSabha and the debate is entrenched on the type and nature of the policies that would accentuate the economic growth that […]
April 7, 2014

What happened to the Occupy Movement?

By Raj Cherubal* Whatever happened to the Occupy Movement? There was never a doubt in my mind that all such movements fizzle out. But surprised to see how fast it did. I like dissent. Even if I don’t think very […]
March 29, 2014

MOOC- The Game Changer?

It is told that there are six types of You Tube interfaces which adjust automatically according to the gadgets and connectivity speed. With such mind boggling provisions in the internet) and the availability of cheaper smart phones and tablets, the […]