
February 3, 2023

Kerala Budget Expectations: A ‘road’ map for development

The Union Budget presented on February 1 focused on capital expenditure for infrastructure development that mainly includes the railways, highways, and roads. The Union Budget presented on February 1 focused on capital expenditure for infrastructure development that mainly includes the […]
February 3, 2023

Union Budget 2023-24: Leveraging Municipal Bonds

The Union Budget 2023-24 has emphasised incentives to urban local bodies through property tax governance reforms and ring-fencing user charges on urban infrastructure. Ring-fencing is a legal or financial arrangement of separating the activities, assets and liabilities, revenues and costs […]
February 2, 2023

TN ranks high but can do more, shows economic survey

The Union Government’s annual economic survey report, which assesses past year’s performance and examines opportunities and challenges in the year ahead, considering the effects of both domestic and international affairs, has been released. In the absence of a State Economic […]
February 1, 2023

Urban Planning Capacity in Kerala: The Challenges and Way Forward

The urban planning capacity in Kerala is in need of a major overhaul. The number of planners in the cities do not satisfy the requirements of the state. A quantum jump in the urban population[1] in Kerala to 47% in […]
February 1, 2023

India to explore the Seabed to meet Metal demands for Green Energy Transition

India is all set to join the elite group of countries – United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, and China- to explore the sub-sea, and harness the unexplored wealth of the oceans on the seabed. The National Institute […]
January 27, 2023

How Jiang Zemin’s Death Led to the Sudden Lifting of Covid Restrictions in China

January 18, 2023

The New Labour Codes: Ideologically Progressive Yet Practically Regressive

  Labour laws have undergone a major ideological shift in recent times, from imposing a legal ban on employing women during night shifts in factories to legally requiring consent from women to employ them for the night shift.  For years, […]
January 10, 2023

India’s G20 Presidency – A shorter path to fulfill SDGs amidst the climate change

December 2022 witnessed a major breakthrough for India in the contemporary global scenario as India assumed the G20 presidency for the very first time. Since 2021, India has been an active player in the Troika (a group of the current, […]
January 6, 2023


CAVEAT: Reports coming out of China about the Covid situation have often been, to put it mildly, confusing. So, only the data gleaned from reliable wire services reporting directly from China, as also reports of established Hong Kong- or Singapore-based […]
December 23, 2022

What do the OSHWC Code and Kerala Draft Rules tell about Women’s Night Employment?

“Night shift workers are more prone to get breast cancer.  Working at night when pregnant increases the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes.”  These are only two examples of the many justifications that have, for many years, prevented women from working […]
December 7, 2022

The New Labour Codes : Ideologically Progressive Yet Practically Regressive

Labour laws have undergone a major ideological shift in recent times, from imposing a legal ban on employing women during night shifts in factories to legally requiring consent from women to employ them for the night shift.For years, the Factories […]
November 23, 2022

African Union and G-20: Opportunities for India

In a world where numerous multilateral fora have emerged in the last decade, the G-20 carved its position as the epitome of economic governance in the international arena. As the current crest of members was inducted into the forum during […]
November 21, 2022

Corporate Budget: Need and Significance

In common parlance, ‘budget’ is a statement of anticipated income and expenditure of any institution for a fiscal year. It has got different connotations in a wider perspective. In modern era, it is not only an income-expenditure statement but also […]
November 16, 2022

West Asia Optics and the Emerging Geoeconomic World Order

No region stands to gain more from the upcoming energy crisis in Europe than Asia’s newer partnerships and groupings. As winter is approaching and the Ukraine war’s end nowhere in sight, European countries are scrambling to diversify their energy sources. […]
November 10, 2022

ONDC: The Platform, the Model and Applications