
August 1, 2016

The intellectual dishonesty of God’s Own Country

  By D Dhanuraj and Deepthi Mary Mathew*   Kerala is in the grip of yet another controversy. Now, the debate is around the appointment of Dr.Gita Gopinath as economic advisor to Chief Minister Mr. Pinarayi Vijayan. The post of […]
July 30, 2016

Antrix-Devas deal: The BIT bites India!

  By Harisankar K. Sathyapalan* India is again in the limelight of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). After the huge stir created by the white industries award in 2011-12, an international tribunal has penalised the country earlier this week with a […]
July 26, 2016

Banning Smoke without Fire – An Innovation killer

Kerala Government’s recent decision to ban e-cigarettes is an innovation killer. The concerns raised about e-cigarettes are not grounded in sound evidence. There is microscopic evidence to show that e-cigarettes are passively harmful. At the same time, there is high […]
July 18, 2016

The 24/7 Rule and the safety question

The Centre has placed the reform ball in states court pushing for a liberalised regime through the model Shops and Establishment Act to allow shops to open 24/7. PM Modi has already given a strong reasoning with his “if the […]
July 16, 2016

Effects of higher tariffs and discriminatory tax/duty levied on the growth of Man Made Fibre (MMF) industry in India

By Lekshmi R Nair and D Dhanuraj* Textile and garment industry with a market size of around US$ 3000 trillion in 2015, as per the data provided by Euler, has served as a growth engine for many nations.    In […]
July 15, 2016

BREXIT – A Climate of Political Uncertainties

The referendum in Britain to exit from the European Union revealed how an extended caveat of global warming – Syrian refugee crisis has indebted to the death knell for European Union’s stability as a united bloc. The refugee crisis in […]
July 7, 2016

Awaiting the ruling on South China Sea

By Christi Thomas* The contending states in the South China Sea disputes are awaiting the verdict of the Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration this month. The case was brought by the Philippines primarily concerning the legality of China’s “Nine-dash line”, […]
July 7, 2016

Bleeding PSUs: Why It’s Time To Retire Kerala’s White Elephants

   “It would be better if we paint the elephants white” commented veteran leader M V Raghavan on the state emblem during an assembly discussion in 1987. His remarks were on the basis of the report submitted by the Comptroller […]
July 4, 2016

2016 Elections and the startling trends in U.S. Politics

2016 US Presidential election has heralded a change in the nature and the content of American Politics. These symptoms have been visible in the Party primaries and are certain to witness in the ensuing Presidential and Congress elections also. There […]
June 28, 2016

Air Kerala – Why shouldn’t Kerala Government get into this business?

*By Dr D Dhanuraj & Lakshmi Priya Civil aviation industry of India India has been experiencing extraordinary growth in civil aviation over the past decade. It is now the ninth largest civil aviation market in the world, with a market […]
June 21, 2016

Khadi Sector – Longing for Reforms

By Dr Lekhsmi Nair & Dr D Dhanuraj* A recent report in the Times of India shows that the Khadi fabric and garments sales witnessed a 29 percent growth and crossed Rs 1,500 crore mark for the first time. Though […]
June 20, 2016

Climate Change: Should You Bother?; The Indian Economist, June 15, 2016

Climate change, how real is it? Two decades have passed since the issue of climate change and its global impact has made media headlines, led to several rounds of diplomatic negotiations and inspired countless disaster movies. While, global public opinion […]
June 20, 2016

The Temporary Permanence of Alcohol Prohibition?; The Indian Economist, June 16, 2016

Prohibition as a public policy is being experimented once again across states in India. Alcohol prohibition (leading to complete ban) is becoming a popular political instruments to woo voters. This is hence the best period to further examine the policy […]
June 1, 2016

India –Iran Camaraderie

Indian foreign diplomacy is leaving no stone unturned in the turbulent Middle East. The bilateral treaties forged and the visits by India to the Arab kingdoms (U.A.E, Saudi Arabia) were charting a novel picture about the increasing engagements with West […]
May 16, 2016

Of Casting the Caste?

By Elizabeth Edison* Kerala is preparing for yet another clash of the clans. For a state whose vote bank is fundamentally divided by religious, regional, and communal differences, predicting Kerala’s 2016 election results is indeed a tough nut to crack. […]